The Reckless and the Brave ~ Jalex fanfic

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Alex’s POV

     “I’ll have it in tomorrow, I promise.” I lie to my science teacher as I walk out of her class. As far as I was concerned, science nor its homework didn’t matter. To me it was a free period of listening to Blink-182 while doodling dicks onto the school desks. I exited out of the class room and made my way around the corner and into the second classroom on the right, Language Arts. If I had to pick, I’d say this class was my favorite. However not because I have a nag for Harper Lee, but more so for the cute, brown haired boy that sat next to me. I’d only briefly spoke to him during passing periods, but God was he gorgeous. I’m pretty sure his name is Jack Bara-something. Just like me, he always wears an oversized black jacket. I wonder if his jacket hides the same secrets as mine.

     I almost lifted my jacket sleeves to take a look at last night’s work, however I quickly snapped back into reality and realized that I was in a room full of judgmental high school Seniors, and flashing my self harm probably wasn’t the best option. I sat down quickly and began the hour of ignoring the teacher and nonchalantly starring at Jack.

     The thing is, I’m gay. I’m probably as gay as you can get, but no one knows. I try so incredibly hard to pretend flirt with as many girls as possible just to come off as a little straight. I don’t know why I’m so afraid of people knowing, I’ve just always figured it’d be easier keeping it to myself.  And to be honest, it has been. It’s comforting knowing that I can just float through life not worrying about what people think of my sexuality, it sure as hell is easier.

     Once everyone was sat down and somewhat quiet, the teacher began lecturing us on the metaphors located within the many pages of To Kill A Mocking Bird. I genuinely could not care less about the topic, so I began doodling Fall Out Boy lyrics on the inside cover of my class notebook. I was half way through a verse from What A Catch Donnie when the over head announcements went off in class. For some reason everyone loved when the class got paged. It was like a tiny hope that perhaps you’d be the one being signed out and leaving. However this time, no one was getting signed out.

     “Mrs. Jardine?” The overhead called. Our teacher perked her head up as if trying to look presentable for the bodiless voice.

     “Yes?” She called back.

      “Jack Barakat needs to come to the nurse, he forgot to take his medication.” Jack’s face turned completely red as he stood up and walked quickly out of our classroom. I felt bad for him, he must’ve felt really embarrassed. I’m not going to lie, I did find myself looking at his butt as he walked out of the room. I realized what I was doing, however was enjoying the sight too much to look away. When he finally was out of the class I stared pondering over what meds he was on. It’s kind of creepy how much I think about a boy I’ve never even talked to, I guess that’s motivation to finally talk to him.

      Class was only fifteen minutes in and I was already bored out of my mind. I raised my hand and excused myself from the lecture in order to go the restroom to kill time. I grabbed the pass and headed out the classroom door and down the hallway to where the boy’s restroom was. I entered the bathroom and began fixing my hair in the mirror when I realized that someone was crying in one of the stalls behind me. Being a teenage boy, I thought it best to ignore it, so I went on minding my business. I and began walking out of the bathroom when I realized that the crying had been replaced by short quick gasped filled with pain.

     “Hey, are you okay?” I called out, trying not to sound too creepy. I heard a flood of tears come followed by loud gasps. My heart was racing as I knocked on every stall door until I found the one that was locked.

     “You sound hurt, are you okay? We don’t have to talk if you don’t want to, can you just tell me if I need to go get help? My name’s Alex…” I tried to sound as sympathetic as possible, I had no idea who this guy was and I didn’t want to get on his bad side none the less.

     “Alex…? Like the kid who sits next to me in Jardine’s class?” The boy’s voice was muffled and restrained due to the amounts of tears he had.

     “Jack? Is that you?” I became hopeful. It was Jack in there, and it felt like this was my time to save him and became his hero.

     “I’m sorry. I just-… I don’t know. You can open the door if you want, but just know it’s not a pretty sight in here.” You’re always a pretty sight, I thought to myself. I was scared of what I was going to see, but for some reason I didn’t hold back at all. I reached for the door and pushed it open.

     What I saw made my entire heart drop.


Hey! So my name's Loryn and this is my Jalex fanfic. I plan to update weekly, but I don't want to promise anything. Updates will probably be random but I'll try my best to update frequently. Let me know what you guys think! Thanks for reading :D

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