The Start

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Today was the day. I was finally going to make the cheer squad. I've been trying for two years to make the varsity cheer squad. Now that I was a junior and weighed less than 175, I meet all the requirements to cheer for senior QB Matthew Hernandez Jr., which is AMAZING.

"Listen up, Ladies!" Our school got a new cheer captain this year. Her name is Vivian Hale. She transferred from Brearley School to our school. We're next-door neighbors and besties.

"Today, you are going to do your best to impress the Laguna Beach Varsity Football Team! If they like your moves after today you will become an LB cheer girl. Now stretch so you don't pull anything and screw up your routine."

I was in the middle of my sit-ups when Matthew walked over. I started doing my sit-ups faster while the other girls were staring at Matthew. Of course, he acts like nobody is looking at him.

"Hey, Ashy!" Matthew yelled halfway down the gym. I was pissed at that moment because nobody called me Ashy except for my grandparents and half of them are dead.

"What the hell do you want Matthew?" I asked adding a snarky tone to it.

"I was wondering if you were free Friday after cheer practice." He was smiling his dimple smile. Only girls he loves get that smile. Uh-oh. No, no, no. Not me.

"Yes, I'm free, but I might not even make the squad." What is he thinking? Asking me out is the one thing boys don't do when I'm in a pissy mood.

"Come on, Hunter, you know you're going to make the team. You're Vivian's best friend and she'll make sure you're on the team. If you don't make it, she'll quit." Matthew sounded proud of himself.

"Fine. You win, Matthew. Congrats. Now, can you leave so I can finish doing my sit-ups?" The school year was going to be no fun with Matthew around.

"Well, good luck then." Aw, come on. Why that face?

"See ya!!!! Have fun watching!!!!" I made sure to add emphasis to every last syllable. The routines have already started and now it was my turn. The song I picked was Dynasty by MIIA, Viv showed me the song last week on Friday.

I did a back handspring followed by five one-handed cartwheels and the grand finale a very complex round off. All the boys stood up when I was done. Wow, standing ovation for cheer. Wow.

"Now, that was the best out of everyone. I'm sure Matt's going to love that routine." Jordan Lopez, number 29, linemen, yelled the last sentence out. Wait, what? Where is Matthew?

After tryouts, I decided to go to San Clemente to find some new outfits at the outlet mall there. I was hoping to get some new dresses and boots, plus we have to wear a white skirt and a Laguna Beach crop top shirt with a player's number on it.

"Hey, Ash. Wanna go to the mall with me?" Viv and I have the same mind, or as our parents tell us. Which I think is strange. We've been friends since the beginning of summer and teachers sometimes mistake us for twins even though we have different last names.

"Sure. The one in San Clemente?" Please let Matthew be there.

"Yeah, I heard the whole football team is going there to hang out and hit on the SC school girls. Did you know they wear the skankiest school uniforms?"

"Cuz I heard that they have to wear pants and turtlenecks. I mean that is literal torture." Will Matthew be there? Just ask Viv if he will be there.

"Well, not the church school girls." Viv just called a bunch of church girls skanky. What the fuck?

"Ok? That's something."

"So, you ready for the squad roster this year?"

"SO pumped!!! I mean I can finally cheer for Matthew."

"Why do you want to cheer for HIM? Don't you, like, hate him?"

Viv is always asking me that question and honestly, I don't know the answer. So I say...

"What's it to you?" Not the best answer, but it worked.

"Whatever. Sooner or later I will get the answer out of you. Even if I have to lock you both in a closet, I will find a way to get you two together." Never mind... It did not work as I planned but it at least she didn't press like she normally does.

The thing is that LBS gossip goes around fast. The main gossip is Matthew and me. People believe that I belong with Matthew even though we hate each other. Well, I hate him, I'm not sure about his perspective.

" you think Jordan will ask me to the fall ball?" Viv is STILL asking me that question. I don't care if Jordan asks Viv or if its the other way around, she just needs to shut up about the whole asking out thing.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I don't care?"

"How about as many as it takes for Jordan to ask me?" This is where she gets her resting bitch face on, which is hard to get rid of.

"Anywho....... Should we get going if you're going to make it home on time? Remember the last time you missed curfew?"

Ughh, she didn't have to remind me about the INCIDENT. It was February 14th, Valentine's Day, and my date ran a little later than planned, and when I got home at 2 in the morning, my parents were waiting up for me and, I ended up with 3 weeks of being grounded to school and home. Not a fun day.

" did Matthew say he was going to the mall, cause I heard that he wasn't at the last end of the try-outs? " Maybe, Viv is right I should follow my own advice.

"I heard him talking about going to talk to a teacher and then he was going to meet the rest of the team at the mall." Great, just what I need to lower my self-esteem.

"Oh....ok. What color do you think I should dye my hair? I was thinking maybe a platinum blonde or a dark firey red." 

"I think you should do both. The blonde would show how nice you can be and the red would show just how dangerous you can be." Wow, she does know me.

"Do you think Matthew will notice the difference? I mean it's not like I care."Do I care? What is my brain trying to tell me?

"I don't know. Maybe...Can we just drop the subject of boys?"

"Yeah. Sure."

We got in her car and went to the mall. The whole ride I was thinking of Matthew. How cute he is with his dimples and his thick, wavy dirty blond hair. Ughhh!!!!!!!!! Why does this keep happening ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Sorry for the cliffhanger, I just cann't think of anything else to write right now. Stay tuned to find out what happens. Bye, peeps. <3<3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2019 ⏰

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