Ch. 1

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May 19th 2015

Alison POV

"Bye Ali. Have fun on your trip." One of the dancers calls walking by.

Taylor had finished her last class about 15 minutes ago and was hopefully putting everything away so we could get out of here.

"Hey buttercup!" Alexa says slamming her purse on the counter in front of my desk. "Where's your whore of a sister?"

"In the dance room with Morgan hopefully putting stuff up so we can get outta here and get to the airport."

She nods and smirks. "So any sign of lover boy?"

"None. I think she's just ready to get out of here and enjoy this week ya know?"

"I talked to Bailee. He's going to be there. Or that's what Alex has told her."

"Is he coming here? Since they made that promise a year ago."

"From what Bailee has told me, she doesn't think so. He's still overseas in Japan touring."

"Maybe he might be planning to fly over and surprise her?"

Alexa gives me a look. "I've seen the emotional tow its taken on her. If he doesn't show, she'll be devastated and heartbroken and depressed all over again. He needs to show or I might kill him."

"Has she told him about me? He might think I'm her.."

"You have brown hair. He follows her on Instagram. He's seen you."

"But still. I don't see why I'm invited when its a girl week and I won't know anyone there besides you and Taylor."

"Alison, Taylor wants you there. The reason will come to the surface soon enough. I've learned to just go with whatever she wants." She walks towards the dance room. "They're up to something. Come on."

I follow behind her and she stops in front of the doors.

"Five bucks Taylor is teaching her a new dance move." Alexa says before pushing the door open.

"You owe me five bucks. It's a dance party." I laugh.

"Taylor! What part of you need to hurry and lock this place up today so we can catch our flight do you not understand?"

Taylor jumps a little when she sees us. "I'm trying to tire Morgan out so she'll fall asleep on the plane and won't be as much as a hassle."

"Are you sure you aren't wasting time so we can miss our flight?"

"Dance party is over little bit. Let me just finish putting everything up and then I'll be ready."

"We'll be out in the lobby. Make it snappy."

I wait until we're back out in the lobby before speaking.
"What if Taylor ignores him? Then what?"

"We can't do anything. It's not our life. It's hers. But trust me, I think she won't. That boy has been sending her flowers every week with the sweetest notes for a year. I would die if a guy did that for me."

"I'm not going to ignore him. We made a deal. And frankly its none of anyone's business what happens or goes down between Austin and I. Lets go."

I shoot Alexa a look and she just shrugs. I still wasn't use to how fast Taylor's attitude could change at one mention of her and Austin. It amazed me.


May 22, 2015 10:23 pm

Austin POV

"So this is it?" She asks, her back facing me.

"I guess so."

"Why Austin? Just tell me why. I think I deserve that much."

"I don't know. I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you."

She turns to face me. "Take it from me. You're always better off with a good lie. Have a nice life Austin."

Hello there! Like it so far? I'm doing something totally different this time. I thought it'd be cool to switch it up and have different moments be brought to light at different times. I can tell you this though *SPOILER ALERT* this full story will last a week :( I know I know. You want more. But you'll just have to wait! Also random little tidbit here, the title is based off the song by John Legend.

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