The story...

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Dad and mom were worried about their son just playing online games because one he was damaging his eyes and two he could meat dangerous people [he was 10 years old]. Mom and dad kept talking to him, but he wouldn't listen them. Dad went to son's room and started to tell him a story.
A long time ago was a little guy around age of 10 and he played a lot of online games... He mat a dude online and kept chatting and playing with him. One day the little kid gave the guy 6 Diamonds on a game. The online dude thanked him and also asked him for his address because he wanted to give him a gift [because his birthday was coming up]. At first the kid was a little scared, but he gave the address to the online dude.
Later that night he went to bad and called his dad to come to his room. The dad creepily sneaked his head in. The kid was creeped out and he quickly said that he needed to talk to mom. Mom did the same thing as the dad. Mom and dad started talking in a weird way. They asked if their kid wanted to talk to them to about the address that he gave. The kid was surprised that they knew. The parents told their kid that the online dude wasn't a kid, but a fully grown adult. After "they" said that thing the online man walked in the room with the parents heads in his hands [the online man killed the kid's parents]. The kid started crying and screaming. The online man killed the kid. The kid's little brother [around 1 year old] started crying [an usual thing babies do]. The online man heard him crying and rushed to the baby's room to kill him. He got the baby in one hand and the knife on the other hand... BUT he felt bad and didn't kill the baby, but got him [gave up killing people] and raised the baby as if it were his baby... And renamed him WILLIAM. [THE DAD'S STORY ENDS]
...-But dad my name is William.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2019 ⏰

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