Chapter 1: What I really want to be

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Killua's POV:

Cross-country hopping is fun and it never gets old. I mean... I never really knew what I want to do unlike Gon. He knows where he is going and always has something in mind.

Me, in the otherhand... is like a rolling stone.

After the Hunter exam some few years ago, I agreed to travel with Gon while I figure out what I really want to do...then we parted ways after battling with the Chimera ants and I went around the world with my brother Alluka.

After some time... Alluka realized he wants to study. Yeah 'STUDY'. As in books, classroom, uniform and school.

Which is actually the least thing that I will ever think about.

I don't know what came into him. He just break it to me during one of our travels.

"Big brother..." he stuttered.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Can we stop going around?" he said.

"Huh?" I remarked, getting confused with what he's asking.

"I want to study so I need to settle down." he said so insecurely.

I thought I heard him wrong when he said "study".

But it is however true. My brother wanted to do schooling. Our trips around the world might have opened his eyes to a whole lot of stuff and now he wants to establish himself in his tender years.

Considering his situation and ability, I had second thoughts of saying yes to his plea. But thinking about it... why should I stop him?

My role was to protect my brother and see to it he's okay. With this, I called my father.

I need some backing up with this.

Granting that I fled with Alluka years ago, blantantly disobeying the whole family, I might have pissed father, but he knows me.

I explained to him the situation... and asked him to command mother and my other siblings to stay out of Alluka's way as he attends school. He needs peace.

Surprisingly, father just laughed and said "okay".

What on Earth did just happen?

I don't have any idea.

Father just said "my children are all growing up fast... do what pleases you. I know that one day, you will all come back and know where you trully belong..."

So, we went to Nile City... the very well-known spot for sophisticated and advance education. Alluka chose the place like he got it all figured out in his head.

After taking the accelaration exam. Alluka was suggested to attend secondary education so I enrolled him into one of the prestigious school dormitories in the city.

I got his papers changed...he's got a new name and a surname which would help him start with a low profile identity. In addition to a new haircut. Whoah. He's totally changed.

It is quiet heartbreaking though to send him off but he is actually looking fine wearing his school uniform. He is happy and excited.

"Brother I am setting you free." he said and I chuckled.

"I have always loved being with you." I said.

"Yes, I feel the same...but it's time for you do to what you really want to do.." he told me.

I just smiled at him. Then he goes off to his new school...

His statement makes me feel uneasy.

"What do I really want to do?"

I asked myself and honestly... I don't really know..

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