Eyes Don't See When The Mind Resists.

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She spins and colours the walls with her tales,

Mesmerizes anyone who'd stay long enough to watch.

She speaks and sings, her tears and dreams.

She sings as,

Prejudiced humans walk by, staring at the glass display,

And the girl who cries, she dances inside,

She dances on her own, and smiles.

Eyes dart with disgust as they stared,

" What a waste of a pretty face. " 

" Crazy girl, what a pity. "

And went on with their day, with the weight on the corners of their inanimate lips.

Throwing careless words, 

They didn't realize that the girl watched as well.

She watched with bemusement at the clones, 

She watched them march and take their pills,

And saw the words plastered on their faces.

She watched their greed, She fed their ignorance,

She saw all the shadow egos that stained the concrete. 

They were everywhere, and she wondered why they couldn't see.

But  with mechanical ears, who'd listen? 

When the tuning has been adjusted, how could they alter? 

When the picture had been painted, what could they see?

She laughed and danced, singing,

" I'm so glad to be free. "

She sang her song of freedom, 

A hymn of alienation. 

And no one could comprehend it,

Till one day came along a boy,

Who wondered why the girl had trapped herself inside. 

And for a moment he looked straight at her 'madness',

And found something he could recognize. 

He looked around at the lies taped to the trees,  

The blotchy words that stuck to every being.

And than he began with slow realization,

He thought,

" Maybe she's not the crazy one. " 

Days went by and he thought, how he cried. 

He yearned to be free, to dance like the girl,

He yearned to be free from his tangled up world.

Everyday he watched her float and smile,

Everyday he'd search for another chance.

He hoped and he prayed and he waited for the day,

While the girl watched the boy through the two way mirror. 

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