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Do you know me?
Do you know me?!
Do! You! Know! Me!?


Of course you know me
I'm cheerful
I'm joyful
I'm always smiling
I'm optimistic
Or so that's what they thought

I always smile but there's a sorrow behind it
Smilling like I have no problems
Smilling like I'm not physically drained, emotionally broken and mentally depressed

Every drop of my tears have a story
So hear my useless story

When I was a kid I didn't know such bad words
But my mom taught me
Do you know how?


She says that i'm useless!
She says that I'm foolish!
She says that I'm idiot!

And the worst she says that " I wish I didn't have a daughter like you! If I know in the first place I will take your breath away"

That hurts right? *cries*
Every time I hear it my heart always shattered into pieces even if I frequently hear it

Well I have the reasons

I did my best but my best is not enough
I review before my exams until midnight but failed anyways

My hope starting to fade
I'm so tired
I want to sleep for eternity
But here I am standing in front of you
Being brave and facing all the challenges
Not giving up because I know God has better plans for me

I want to thank all of you especially God
You're the reason why I'm still breathing
Thank you for being my light in my darkest day
I love all of you

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