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OUR FIRST KISS He just put my arms down and ran down the hall

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He just put my arms down and ran down the hall. He fled. The funny thing is, I am not at all upset for I know this is a sign of acceptance and surrender.
He kissed me!, He kissed me! , He kissed ...............ME!!!
I tremble all over , my legs are still shaking. I feel as if the world is a totally different place than what it was ten minutes ago. I sit on the side of the bed and actually think 'I could die now, I would die a happy and fulfilled woman.'
Oh how long I have waited for this! How long I have dreamed of how it would be. All the scenes that I had ever played in my head are now coming back to me. I had already kissed him so many times in my mind and in my dreams. Every night while sleeping with his photograph, the scenes just played on and on. I don't even remember when I first started loving him. I think it all started at the very first meeting when I thought he looked handsome, so sure of himself . A well dressed businessman, a man that spoke different languages. Of course I was only twelve at the time. What really surprised me was that he didn't treat me as a little girl. He respected me . He didn't say 'Sweetie, can you sing for me please? He has always respected me. That is one of the main reasons why I fell in love with him. He never crossed any boundaries. He never tried. He never took advantage of my innocence. Now that I am a woman and that this has just happened I can honestly say 'I have found the man of my life, he is the man of my dreams. ' Every day that went by I got to know him a little better. Working together day by day just showed me how much he meant to me . I feel safe and protected beside him. I knew and I know that above all he wants me to be happy. Admiration turned into love!
So what now , he left me here , alone with my thoughts and feelings.' I wonder what he's thinking?', 'I wonder where he is'? This can't stay this way! I need to talk to him , I need to see him. I know what I want! I 'm a woman now , I know what I feel. I have waited so long for this to happen, and now that my dream has finally come true, I am here all alone! No way! I'm going to call him! I'm gong to tell him 'If you don't come up here right now and talk to me, I'm going to go knock on your door until you do'!
The phone is ringing, I tried calling his room. No answer. Where could he be?
I will never forget this moment. I will remember each and every detail forever. It's funny , today was such an important day for my career, and yet all I can and will remember is how I felt in his arms, how his lips felt when they touched mine! I just won one of the most important competitions ever! I did my best, I gave my all singing. It payed off, I won. I never cried so hard in my life, and believe me I do cry very frequently. When the results were finally in, and I found out that I had won I couldn't wait to see him .At first I didn't think that I was going to win, I thought that I would have to live through the defeat with him, but things turned out better than I expected. To share this milestone with him. One more step in the direction of a huge dream. A dream that we share together, a dream that he makes come true everyday.
After the final results were given and after many interviews and questions I could finally meet him! I ran into his arms, crying. I kissed him on the neck, he let it happen. He was as happy and as proud as I was. We came back to my room. As usual he went through everything that had happened during the day. Who was good, who was good but didn't have a chance and of course my performance. I just listened and let his voice cradle me. Soon the woman in love took over and all that I could think about was, there he is, the man that I love. I am sure that he sensed it and suddenly fell silent. 'Well goodnight' he said. I just couldn't let that happen, out of all the nights, on this night of victory he was going to leave without even giving me a kiss on the cheek , as he usually did! I got up walked towards him and held his head in my hands, and it happened!We kissed, not on the cheek as we usually did, but a real kiss. A kiss between two people in love. My life will never be the same! This kiss tells me that he finally accepted and surrendered to our love!
My god its the phone ringing! Is it him? I answer it, my whole body shakes and its like I am in a dream. Yes lt's him. He asks me if I am ok and I answer yes. I than hear the following words. If you really and truely want to ,I will be your first' God yes, of course I want to, but not just for one night but forever. I answer him with all the conviction in the world' you will be the first, and the only!'
A few minutes later there is a knock at the door .........

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