A Lord And A Lady

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"Alright," Christine bounced up to him, "I'm ready."

"For what?" the Doctor inquired, though he already had a vague idea what she was talking about.

"To come with you, silly!" the Doctor's face fell further. She looked so certain. So ready for adventure.

"No." he shook his head, sadly.

"But... You have to!" she reasoned, "Because you were right... I don't steal for the money... It's for the adventure; And I've had more fun with you than I have in my whole life. You said it yourself. We were made for each other. I've got no family, nothing left here for me." He watched her very carefully. The begging look in her eyes, the hope for more. He let himself have a small smile, despite himself.

"Alright. Come on then... One last trip."

She squealed in delight and ran inside. He sighed and shook his head, cursing himself for not listening to his own advice to avoid further companions.

"Oh, and Doctor?" he looked up to see Carmen talking to him, "You be careful."

"I will," he promised.

"No, you don't understand." she insisted, "Because something is returning. Returning through the dark. And... and... He will knock. Four times." the Doctor's eyes widened in disbelief. She gave him one last nod before he quickly turned into his TARDIS to try and forget the prophecy he was just given.

"It's bigger," he spotted Christina, holding up her hands, "On the inside, I mean. How'd you manage that, exactly?"

"Already told you about me, Christina," he winked, sliding over to the controls and taking a switch in his hand, "How I'm not what you might consider 'human'? I'd hope you'd expect my people to be a little better than that."

"I'd expect something," she admitted, "But definitely not this."

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 12, 2012 ⏰

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