Love in a Present

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A repetitive and loud knock on the door echoed in the silent four walls of Taehyung's room.

Blankly, Tae looked at the wooden door separating him from his current safe haven. As if he could see pass through the door, he already knew that Jungkook was the one behind it.

Jungkook came to see him.. and that only meant one thing...

A millisecond pang of pain occurred which reminded Tae to keep the door close in order to keep himself unharmed.

But it's Jungkook though
.. a tiny voice still persisted towards his locked thoughts.

He released a deep sigh from his chest however the exhalation of air did not recuperate for even a little, the heavy emotion within. Pain, fear, anxiety all mixed together engulfed him totally.

Maybe love is indeed stupid though because he found his feet moving and taking steps to the parting barrier between him and Guk..

He felt a sudden energy to run and to be away from this situation. It was too much for his poor little heart. He just loved and now he's hurting.

With hesitance, he gripped the doorknob and as he did, Tae tried to mentally and emotionally prepare himself.

It was useless though. He was surprised by the sight of Jungkook who had a beautifully wrapped gift in his hands. The gift that Jungkook said he would give to the love of his life.

"Did he reject it?", Tae eyed the gift. Pain worsened when he looked at it longer.

The gift was actually personally chosen by him and Guk.

Jungkook asked for help the other day in choosing a gift for Mingyu who was apparently the guy he met at the dance club where he recently joined. He was his first friend there. Jungkook was carefully conscious in selecting the gift. Probably because he was someone special.

Taehyung thought his ears would bleed from hearing the name of Mingyu from Jungkook's lips. Mingyu was their topic throughout their gift hunting. He was clueless about Mingyu until that time but definitely, this Mingyu made him pity his own self for loving Jungkook unconditionally for years despite the love being unrequited.

Probably that is love, to love without expecting anything to be paid back. Exactly why Taehyung was still there, ready to support Jungkook no matter what.

Jungkook kept his mouth shut. He barely met Taehyung's eyes and with such familiarity, he went inside of the room walking past Tae. He sat on the bed after placing the gift on the bedside table.

The younger appeared emotionless, apathetic, but the older sighed because he knew Jungkook was sad. The scenario had happened a lot of times before, since they were young. In which Jungkook would knock on his door and would eventually ask for a cuddle from him in order to appease his sadness and it’s vice versa.. it was a beautiful habit of theirs and the increasing age caused nothing for them to be awkward.

At that moment, Tae tried to forget his wounded heart.

Jungkook needs him..

Tae closed the door then he stepped towards Jungkook who had his head down and shoulders tensed.

Taehyung spread his arms and clung them around the neck of Jungkook snugly. Torso on torso, his body heat slowly warming Jungkook's cold one due to the falling snow outside. His chin tucked on his shoulder and his other hand softly threading the hair of Guk, comforting..

"It's okay Guk.. it's okay..," he repeatedly and carefully whispered against his ear.. hoping to make the pain less for Jungkook.

A warm, wet liquid touched Taehyung's right shoulder. Drop after another drop fell then a painful sob filled the room.

Taehyung's heart furtherly broke because it was the kind of being hurt that he was helpless about. The truth telling him that he could not force Mingyu to love Jungkook, the same as he could not force Jungkook to love him..

If Jungkook loved him, he would have done anything to keep that bunny smile on his face..instead of the tears currently falling..

As if possible, Taehyung hugged him tighter.

"He doesn't want me..", Guk managed to say before he let out again a broken sob making Tae close his eyes. Chest wrenching with pain upon the confirmation.

Silence followed after his words and Tae left it as that.

Taehyung maneuvered Jungkook to lay on the bed and then he laid down next to him. Completely wrapping the younger with his arms and legs while a comforter covered them and somehow, it alleviated the pain in his heart.

The two spent their Christmas eve entangled, offering comfort for each other and both were fixing their ripped hearts.

The gift of Jungkook was there at the bedside.

There was a name labeled on the bottom of it. It said, "Taehyung"..


Taehyung should have looked closer when the younger asked him what he wanted for Christmas and his gaze was seemingly dreaming.

He should have delayed that message that Christmas eve informing Guk that he plans to accept Bogum's invitation for a date.

Jungkook should have confronted Taehyung about the message.. They should have talked.. they should have...

Maybe.. then maybe, they had a merry christmas.


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