Brithday and Month

61 4 10

Hello! I was seeing a lot of these kind of books, and I thought, Hey why not?

Birth date:
1- One
2- Gray
3- Rain
4- White
5- Flame
6- Black
7- Spotted
8- Creamy
9- Oak
10- Clear
11- Purple
12- Red
13- Blue
14- Mud
15- Soft
16- Flaming
17- Striped
18- Ivy
19- Petal
20- Loud
21- Broken
22- Rose
23- Dappled
24- Dapple
25- Crocked
26- Otter
27- Ice
28- Icy
29- Yew
30- Tree
31- Golden

January- Kit
February- Stripe
March- Star
April- paw
May- fur
June- Flight
July- Foot
August- Claw
September- Leaf
October- Pool
November- Stream
December- Eyes

I got my OC, Ivystar. What name did you get? Comment. You are welcome to use any of these names in a FanFic.
~IvyStarLunaShadowXan Peace!!

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