Bakugo x Midoriya

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Bakugo and Midoriya was in class while the teacher was doing a lesson Midoriya couldn't stop looking at Bakugo."Midoriya said in his head, why can't I stop looking at Bakugo".Bakugo said, why the hell are you looking at me nerd. The bell rung. After the teacher stopped his lesson the teacher said, class dismissed.Everybody was gone except Bakugo and Midoriya. Bakugo went to Midoriya and pushed Midoriya on the wall ."Midoriya said, wh-what are you doing Ba- Bakugo".Bakugo said," shut up you damn nerd". Midoriya didn't know what was going on. "Bakugo said,hey  I know you were looking at me during class nerd and I know you have a crush on me and I felt the same way about you will you go out with me."Midoriya said,yes happily". Bakugo said, shut up nerd and close your eye's. Midoriya blushed, and Bakugo gave  anouther kiss. When Bakugo and Midoriya came out of the classroom they were both holding hands. Bakugo was blushing and  Midoriya was blushing. After school, Bakugo and Midoriya went to Bakugo's house and they went to Bakugo's room. Midoriya said, you have a nice room Bakugo. Bakugo said, shut up nerd and come in. Midoriya was on Bakugo's bed. Bakugo went on the bed with Midoriya  and they both blushed. Bakugo went on top of Midoriya. Midoriya said, he-hey what are you doing Bakugo. Bakugo said, shut up nerd. Then, Bakugo kissed Midoriya and then they made out and after when they made out they fell asleep together.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        TO BE CONTINUED UwU

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