Wrong Person

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The familiar ping sound of a new email in your inbox reassures you that you *are* an actual administrative assistant that works in an office and you most likely shouldn't be ogling the hot guy in the adjacent office building.  Considering it's your first week, it's not exactly how you'd like to be caught not doing your work if you had to be.  You'd started that week as administrative assistant to the executive manager of New Calibre Telecommunications, or NCT for short. He was a slim nice-enough young man named Lee Taeyong; you were in charge of writing or transcribing his letters/emails, making travel arrangements, computing and preparing expense reports and creating department budgets. Just two weeks earlier when you'd said you'd got the job to your brother he'd called you an over-glorified and well endowed personal assistant, and you guess you could say he was right.
This all brought you back to the email that was now sitting in your inbox, one minute old and unopened. Its sender was a Jung Jaehyun, a name you'd never heard before but supposed it was nothing new since you, your self, were new.
You opened it and inside was not the general corporate jargon you expected. Upon your screen was a  blank video thumbnail and it's relative play button, a url link, and a message below it. It read: "For Jeffery who loses everything and  who must remember to back up his hard drive." It also featured a few casual excessive emojis that your computer only registered as a small question mark box, because of course it didn't register emojis.
You pondered clicking on the play button but decided against it, instead clicking on the url link that was oh so tempting. Upon clicking on it you were swiftly redirected to YouTube.com, you rolled your eyes expecting a rick roll, when in actuality what seemed to be a vlog appeared. The title was "Daily Jaehyun: Post-hotel-hopping Wind Down ⛩✨" Curiosity overtook you and you clicked play, you knew you shouldn't be doing this in work hours, however a few seconds couldn't hurt.  A smooth and tanned skinned young man lay on a bed in the middle of a hotel room. He had on shorts that were probably too short and no top. His torso was obscured by the blanket but you could still make out his taut muscles underneath the fabric. His hair looks soft and gently rests on his face as he lies horizontally.  Next cut is to a glass cup of pink coloured tea and a spoon swirling around the edges. He cuts to him taking a gentle sip and then he pushes some hair out of his dark amber eyes.  You hear footsteps in your peripheral and X off the tab. Just in time before the new intern, a somehow harsh looking baby faced girl named Yeji, places a pile of papers on your desk and leaves. A close call.
And so your day goes on like normal... except you can't get those damn 25 seconds of a certain video out of your head.  His gentle face remains seared into your brain. The brand of soft visuals and taut muscles. The contrast of his sharp jawline and the pink tea. The colour matched his gently blushed cheeks, the rose flush that dusted over his honey skin.
And so you went home and couldn't get him out of your head. You lay awake seeing the image of him sprawled across the hotel king bed, replaying it and relaying it to yourself. You resolved you had to do something, whether that be finish the video or speak to this Jaehyun.
And so, the next day you set about that task. You opened up that email for the second time, this time hovering over the sender's information.  It revealed to you many interesting things. A few of those being that the sender, Jung Jaehyun, sent it from a pc on floor 9, and that pc is located in office 34G, which is part of managerial.
Well now you know this information all you had to do was go visit that specific office in the hopes of a findings.  A lingering question stuck out, who is Jeffery? And why was he sending his vlog to him? Of course you have to inform the sender that he sent it to the the wrong person and you definitely didn't just email him this because you definitely don't want to see his face,  *definitely not*.
You leave your desk and make your way to the lift. Stepping inside, you squish yourself as far back to the wall as possible as fellow office workers pile in. It's all a bit too close for comfort when you are saved by the bell, or in this case the automated voice saying "Floor 9, Doors Opening." Everyone removes themselves from the lift and you straighten out your work outfit. Thank goodness you ironed your pencil skirt this morning, never knew you'd be meeting a YouTuber; and possibly a hot one at that.
You make your way to office 34G, dodging past colleagues in the marketing sector. You spot a guy in the closest desk you know as the infamous 'Ten', chugging a brown liquid in a vodka bottle you *really* hope is coffee and nothing else.
You approach the needed door and knock firmly twice. Your palms start to sweat and you rub it off on your skirt. A smooth voice calls "come in" and you make your way through the door.  A familiar pair of eyes meet your gaze and you begin to wonder if this was a good idea after all.  After a small nervous cough you begin, "Sorry to interrupt, I'm ____ ____ from floor 8, I'm administrative assistant to Mr Lee. I received an email yesterday around 2pm and it was rather," you look at the floor and shuffle your feet, "private. I believe it was for someone else. I came here to let you know." You attempt to make eye contact but his gaze is a tad intense. You try your best to keep your eyes trained on his brown irises and not the expensive looking navy suit he's wearing. "Ahh my greatest apologies, I'm sorry for any inconvenience. May I ask what was contained in the email? I send out a lot so I'm not too sure as to what it was regarding." He lets out a low chuckle.
"Umm it contained a video and a short message, if that's any help." You try not to let on you watched it, let alone read it, but the blush creeping up your face probably says too much. 
The man you identify as Jaehyun let's out a startled cough and sits bolt upright in his chair. "It wasn't anything, umm" he runs a hand through his hair, "obscene.. was it?"
A gasp escapes your lips, a breath you must of been holding in that you didn't realise you were. "Oh no, not at all! You drank some tea in it and that's all I saw. I'm greatly sorry for invading your privacy, sir. Please forgive me I'll be leaving now." You turn to face the door. What had he been sending? That's none of your business... however you wouldn't mind maybe getting to see those muscles again... you clear you're thinking and press down the door handle.
"**Stop**, before you leave, you at least need to let me explain, and make it up to you some how, I'm the one who has put you in this situation, I'm the one who needs to make amends." A commanding voice calls out. By the time you turn around he's stood up and has one hand in a pocket and one on his desk. He looks to be in thought, or troubled.
"It's not as bad as it sounds or looks I swear." When he says this he doesn't sound so composed like he has the rest of the time.  "Please, have a seat so I can fix this mess."
"I don't know, sir, I have already caused enough interruption." You mumble out.
"Nonsense, have a seat and all will become clear; I'll ease your thoughts for you as I'm sure you're curious." You cautiously take a seat and look up into his hazelnut eyes.
"Basically, I have a YouTube channel as you might have guessed. I've tried to keep it a secret for as long as possible since I don't really want it getting out. It'd only be fuel for my cheeky tormentors who go by Doyoung and Ten. When I finalise a video, I send it to my work computer since it has more space and let it post on there. However I must've accidentally sent it through to yours instead. I believe you're from floor 8, right? Well, I believe I typed in the computer location code wrong and it sent it to yours instead. I should of typed F9 instead of F8 like I must've done. By the way, none of my videos are dodgy on there, it's just travel vlogs and general ramblings so don't be too worried." He closes with a nervous laugh and scratch of the temple. He turns to look at you in the eye, most likely expecting an answer. 
"Ahh I see now. Well that clears up a hell of a lot. I do have one question though, if you don't mind me asking..." you twist a piece of hair round your index finger. "No, go ahead, you already know my big secret what more could you ask anyway." He lets out a soft laugh and his eyes crinkle.
"Ok. So, not to be rude but, who's Jeffery?" You pose the question that has boggled you for around 24 hours.  You're met with laughter and an embarrassed face palm. "Well... I can tell you that it is just a silly nickname." He uncovers his face and you see a sickly sweet smile. "A long time friend of mine, Johnny, jokingly named me that during our college days in the frat houses. It was a wild time." He relates whilst reminiscing, more than slightly embarrassed.
"Oh ok, that clears up even more, sooo that makes sense, the email was addressed to yourself. I got it now." You let out a giggle, "You've finally solved the puzzle! Can I give you a prize?" He unexpectedly says.
"A prize? What do you mean?"
"Well I've put you through a bit too much and I want to make it up to you. How about I take you for lunch this afternoon? Would that be ok?" He gently says, hands clasped.
"I'd love that. As long as I get to hear more crazy stories."
"Of course, the tales are complimentary, the company is what you pay for." He jokes, a smile creeping up his face. 

Wrong Person - Officeworker!Jaehyun Where stories live. Discover now