Catch feels (Logince)

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Trigger warnings: nothing special, just kissing and mentions of wounds.

Ship: Logince (look at the chapter title😂

Word count: 722

Logan's POV

Of all the people in the world I could have fallen in love with, it had to be Roman. The one girl I could never get.

She has been my love for a few years now, and I genuinely don't know what to do. I asked Patton what to do but he just stared at me squealing like a fan girl, so I'm going to try Virgil instead.

I walk up to her door and knock three times. She opens it, her purple fringe covering her right eye.
"G-greetings, Virg-"
"Save the jibber jabber" she cut me off, "what do you need?"
I am slightly taken aback by this but decide to get to the point.
"I-I need some help regarding a side that I have..." I shuffle through my Vocabulary cards, "caught feels for."

Virgil rolls her eyes and sighs. "Well, it depends on who this person is" she says, "and how they are going to react.
If they share your feelings then, hallelujah, I'll start planning the wedding now.
If not, welp-"

I gulp and start to sweat at the thought of Roman rejecting me. And it hurts.
"What should I do?" I ask, and Virgil looks behind me
"Heads up" She says, "now might be your chance."

I turn around, confused, and see Roman limping to her bedroom, her body and Prince uniform riddled with cuts and scars. She is clutching her stomach as she falls to the floor.
Panicked, I rush to her side and catch her in my arms, taking her to my own room so that I can monitor her.

I lay her down in my bed and hesitantly remove her disfigured uniform, trying not to think too much about what I'm seeing.
'Dontlookdontthink dontlookdontthink' I keep repeating in my head.

After cleaning and stitching her wounds, I wrap her body in a thin white bed sheet, mainly for privacy. But she's burning up, so I don't want to over heat her.

I sit on the bed, her head on my lap, and run my fingers through her unbelievably soft hair, fighting back tears as I look at her scarred body.


Two hours later, I'm still sat on the bed, holding a book when she starts to stir.
"L-logan....?" She whispers.
She looks right up at me as I set my book down and worriedly fuss over her needs.

Roman sits up and holds a hand to her head.
"Where am I? What happened?"
I sit up and pull her into a hug, tears falling down my cheeks and my heart beating so fast.
"I-I could've lost you..." I mutter, and she pulls away.
"W-why would you care?" She asked smiling, "I'm only creativity. You called me a prep once, remember?"
I shudder at the memory.
"Yes, and that was wrong of me...IM SO SORRY!" That did it. I can't contain myself. The tears come and I break down into sobs.

Roman's haze softened and she held me, worriedly.
"Hey hey hey~" She soothed, "I'm here. I forgive you...why are you acting so emotional? This isn't like you"

She wipes my tears away with her thumbs and cups my face him her hands. Her skin is soft and warm compared to my rough, cold exterior.
"Y-you really want my answer..?" I ask her, and she nods.

I slowly Inch my face closer to hers. "Because Im in love with you..~" is whisper before connecting our lips.

My lips tremble slightly but both of us soon melt into each other's embrace.
She pulls away, gasping for breath,
"I love you too...~" she whispered before pulling me into another kiss.

Remus's POV

I can't bear to see my sister with cuts and scars, but this is too important.
She hasn't been happy since Logan called her a Prep.
She loved him. And I could see that.

I walk past Logan's door and see the two of them on his bed kissing, and smile.
"I'm so sorry for hurting you, Ro" I whisper to myself l, "but you both needed a push to connect with each other
Be happy..."

And I walk away back to the dark sides.

One shots (no smut)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora