Chapter 1

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I stood on the front lines, panting. I was covered in blood both mine and not. I knew where I was but at the same time disoriented. I couldn't think about anything except: strike them, just keep going. Find the weak spots. Focus Autumn, breathe. Hold the front line.

I wanted to stop. Gods... it nagged at me the entire time. This is for the people of my homeland, of my kingdom and it was my duty as heir to keep them safe. Stopping is not an option. I reminded myself. I was warned and we prepared but, we couldn't stop the inevitable. I was fighting for mine own and my kingdom's lives and for their prosperity.

So I fought and I killed. I broke and butchered. I could hear their screams—they echoed in the passages of my mind—screams of innocents, and the screams of dying children. I couldn't stop, wouldn't stop until these invaders were all lying on the ground with their guts spilling out of them. I gave a satisfactory smile at the opponent in front of me. He had no idea what I'd become. I struck, over and over, my opponents falling one by one.

It became a rhythm, a steady, paced rhythm echoing through my soul. That's what kept me swinging, until a small darkness hit me. It wormed its way through my skull. And when it entered fully, it wormed its way through my brain, expanding the sections it went through until my head was filled with pressure. I tried to force it out, but it remained impervious, maintaining its course. The farther it went, the more unbearable the pressure became. It forced me back, making me trip on a loose stone.

I felt myself falling and tried to regain my balance. Nothing could work and I came to that realization slowly. So, I let myself fall, accepting that this would be my end. An end to lead a beginning. My body hit the hardened ground with a thud. Everything around me slowed and I felt a sharp pain on the side of my head. My signature golden blood leaked out from a gigantic slice in my skin.

My eyelids were heavier than normal. I would close my eyes one last time. They almost did. A voice stopped me, a familiar voice, comforting but blurred in outrage.

"AUTUMN" he shouted—that voice I loved so dearly.

I heard two pair of fast paced footsteps. Jesse and Ray—both of whom had seen my decent—were running towards me. I struggled to roll my eyes. They both know the consequences of leaving the front lines. I laughed, barely more than a push of air that dissipated into the wind as soon as it left my lips. Everyone knows this time is hard, not just for the parents but for the friends and the extended families. And the children, god this is as hard for them if not harder than for the parents. Jesse and Ray found me quickly and my eyes glazed over the last words that left me where: I'll miss you...

This is war


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Shit!!" I shouted, recognizing the time. I jumped out of bed, grabbing my school essentials as fast as I could. I checked my phone quickly and realized my alarm clock's error: it's an hour and twenty minutes off. Meaning, I had fifteen minutes to do what usually takes me an hour. Damn the fact you like sleep so much! I cursed myself. I swear I will break that clock when I get home. I grabbed my bag and sprinted downstairs. At my command, I started to sink into the floor. I tensed and closed my eyes to make the transition faster. The floor was at my waist now, at my shoulders a few seconds later. The bus was already sitting there, in front of me. I shook my head and hurried up the stairs.

"Just in time again Autumn!" Ms. Telana stated happily.

"Thanks Ms. Telana."

She gave me a low nod, witch in court formally acknowledges a ruler's—or heirs—presence. With that I gave her one in return and dropped down into a seat next to my friend Reina.

Reina is like a master ship-artist. Normally, she'll pester me for details on my crush, Ray. It's how she lets me know that she cares about me. Today though, she was being extra annoying.

"So, how are you and Ray doing?" she asked with a smirk. I acted startled and blushed—though that wasn't acted—like I had a million times and shot back, "Why do you want to know Reina?"

I did something unrehearsed this time tough, I averted my gaze.

"You love him!" Reina said in a mocking manner. She put a lot more emphasis on love this time, also unrehearsed.

"We aren't together so shut up!" My face ultimately showed my guilt.

"Well, a little birdy told me that you-know-who wants to ask you out!" She shocked me and she knew it.

"What?" I exclaimed, my face draining of color then flushing red again after her next comment.

"And he's thinking about the closing dance too." She gave me a sly wink. I couldn't believe it, she couldn't possibly be telling the truth.


Most of my classes were horrible as normal so I couldn't stand the school day. And I was dead of embarrassment and fatigue. Ballroom dancing was by far the worst class to take. The same went for Ray so, I have a formation in which I dance with my crush for the closing dance...... Am I blessed or is this some cruel joke?

Usually I would plop down next to Reina but, she left early meaning I had no one to sit next to. I was reading a quite frankly good novel on the topic of dragons. I pulled my hood lower over my eyes. A blanket of silence enveloped the bus interrupted only by a metallic squeak and the rhythmic pace of footsteps. I looked up to see a hooded figure standing at the helm of the bus. Their face was shadowed as they approached my seat and they then sat down silently. Faint whispers started popping up around the vehicle again.

"Hey, Fall girl, dragons are coming" he said.
"Are you kidding? We have a protective shield around the entire kingdom controlled by a central pillar. That's impossible" I snarled, contrasting his tone.
"Well they are still coming. One actually lives here now..." he said coolly. "I'm done with this idiocy, I believe this is your stop anyway." He could probably tell I was getting pissed because he stood up and stated:"War is coming." That was the end of it. I am not so eager to learn that guy's name.

That was bogus. It had to have been. I should have just ignored him but look at me I'm a girl who ALWAYS has to get in an argument. At my stop I didn't want to walk home so I took an interdimensional jump to my bedroom. Since I'm a planeswalker with mental powers, I can do that. I love defying the laws of physics just to mess with people. When I landed in my room I dropped all of my stuff and physically took a running leap and landed in my bed, right on top of a letter. Great, hopefully this isn't something about my grades or my royal ancestry or my father's court. I can't have a worse day, can I? That answer was a gigantic yes.

As I opened the letter's seal, I was debating that if it was about my grades, would I tell my parents? I mean I know I am failing geography. Can you blame me?? EVERY SINGLE MAP IS WRITTEN IN THE OLD LANGUAGE! I DON'T KNOW THE OLD LANGUAGE!! Ok so I'm failing that class too I get it!!! As I unfolded the letter I realized it was written in brown ink, where can you get brown ink? I don't think that even exists. And the smell, the smell was horrid, it smelled like blood. Then I realized, it WAS blood. I could barely get over the smell but I read it anyway. I don't even want to think about what it said but here you go. 'Hey princess, tell your parents to prepare their battalion, war is coming'

Now, that just freaked me the hell out. Yes, that was the short version but still! "I must just be tired." I said solemnly and plopped down on my bed again, put a hand over my eyes, and started to doze off. I had about five seconds alone before Ray walked in. "Hey Autumn, what's up?" he said on instinct. Then he looked at me and shied away from the door to my chambers. "oh, sorry to disturb you. I can come back later..."

"No, no I'm fine, you can stay. Nothing much, how are you?" I asked tiredly, taking the hand off of my eyes. He brushed his chocolate brown bangs out of his eyes and spoke.
"I was wondering if you wanted to train with me."

"Sure" I said with a smile.
"Okay, meet me outside in twenty minutes." He said and left my room. Twenty minutes... That's sundown.... What exactly was this man planning?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2019 ⏰

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