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No one stops to watch the sun set anymore,
No one counts the miles between lightning and thunder.
Trees stand lonely in a forgotten breeze,
We no longer soar at night searching for fireflies,
People have forgotten what they should appreciate.
Clouds forming pictures,
Stars shining bright,
The lonely moon in its solitude,
The sounds you hear at night,
Bird song,
Rushing streams,
Old and twisted trees,
The scent of dew,
The smell of snow,
The feel of verdant grass beneath your feet.
The smell of paper,
A good thick book,
Old memories that we discover,
Glass bottles,
Useless keys,
Things we love but will never need,
And I think people have forgotten with all their fancy stuff,
That the things that really matter aren't just the ones that help you keep in touch.

Lila MacKinnon

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