The Destruction of Lab 2496.

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Thursday 4th April 2019.
Joseph was on his way to his drama school. He pulled out his IPhone ,with scratches all over the screen, and saw the time. 'Shoot, it's 5:03, I'm late!" He thought. He started to run slowly, not enough to make him sweat but enough to make him pant. He was only down the road but a train had just pulled into the station and about 200 tired, grumpy business men and woman had just got off the train and were now in Joseph's way. He began battling his way through the swarm of people in suits and ties.

As he finally pushed past the crowd, he brushed down the dirt of his white t-shirt and black joggers (he always wore the same thing, washed of course, but the same thing)When he got through the crowd, Joseph arrived at his drama school. The school was located above a co-op and was only a few rooms. He turned the corner, to go to the entrance on the side, to see his entire class waiting for him outside, including his teacher, Lauren.

"Joe!" Lauren exclaimed, "we were just about to leave without you". In front of him was a huge coach, Joe was very confused, where were they going?. His eyes met with Rebecca, his best friend within the group. Rebecca was quite small for her age (15), she has straight long dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, which were covered by glasses with a blue frame. She had pink braces. She was wearing a navy blue hoody, with the hood up, and black ripped jeans, exposing her pale skin . 'Trip to the science lab' she mouthed, smiling.

"Ohhhhhh I can't believe I forgot!" Joe shouted, smashing his hand to his forehead,

"It doesn't matter, Joe" Jessie said, irritated. Jessie was another girl in Joe's drama school, the two of them often bonded over their love of Riverdale (a show on Netflix.) Jessie had shoulder-length brown hair and sparking brown eyes. She was wearing a branded t-shirt, promoting the Drama school and jean shorts. Her two front teeth were significantly larger than her others.

"Just get on the coach, we're running late!" Jessie said. Joe hurried onto the coach and headed to the back with Jessie and Rebecca. The three of them were joined by Andre, the only other boy in the class. Andre was black and had dreads and he had big, brown eyes. He too was wearing a branded t-shirt and white jeans.

"Hey guys, I read this article about this lab we're going to and last year it had a small explosion but nothing was destroyed." Andre said, concerned. Andre was quite a nervous child, he was the youngest in the group, even though he was 13.

"Andre relax," Rebecca said, flopping onto one of the back seats, "that's probably fake news anyway" the rest of them sat down on the one of the seats and at last minute was joined by Frankie, a shy but cute girl, that Joe knew since they were kids,

"Hi, can I sit here" she said shyly. Frankie had long, scruffy light brown hair and deep brown eyes, she was always smiling, showing off her wide smile. She was wearing a denim jacket and black tracksuit bottoms. Frankie had known the group for almost seven months yet she still got nervous around them,

"Of course you can sit here, you don't have to ask" Jessie said, playfully punching her arm. The five of them, sat at the back and Lauren and the other kids stayed at the front.

Lauren owned the drama school they all went to. It wasn't a proper school that teaches English and Maths and Science Etc. It just held acting/singing/dancing lessons for all ages. Joe and the group did go to normal schools, however none of them went to the same one.

The five of them sat and talked almost the whole way through, Jessie and Joe began watching the new episode of Riverdale, Andre was showing Rebecca all the articles about the secret explosion and Frankie just put her hands in her lap and looked out the window. The pitter patter of rain weirdly satisfied her and she secretly placed bets on which raindrop would reach the end first.

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