Chapter 1

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I wasnt expecting anything when I went out to get the mail i was just expecting the usual bills for my parents magazines for my brother and I and maybe one or two for my parents but the thing that I got would chang my furture, But im getting ahead of myself hear lets go back to about 3 weeks ago, But first let me give you some information on my self, Im a senor in high school and Im a trumpet player and a writer. Now i do get made fun of for being a band geek and a writer. I really dont care about thoses people I care about who I am and I dont take that crap! now i still havent figured out were Im going to collage yet but i just want to think about writing and band right now not the furture and thats whe Iv been telling myself for about um...2 months and i havent applied anywere yet!!!!!

Ok, Im in my room look at colleges online when i hear my mom call my name and say "Go get the mail!" Well I screamed back "Im a little busy!" "No now" "Fine"

I walked out the the mail box in protest, and when I opened the mail and saw the usual you know magazines,bills stuff like that but I just decide to go through it and i pulled the top magazine off and i saw my name on it. I got mail? I thought to myself. As I looked at the top right hand corner I couldnt belive my eyes. University of Iowa!!!!(a world renowned writing school) I cant belive it I opened it right then and there and I Have a chance to go to school there because aparently they loved my submission? i dont know what they were talking about what subbmission? I really dont care though, but it says I must submitt an origanal piece for and audition type thing, which means iv got to get started with my work but I still dont know how they got my work. Maybe it has someting to do with my writing teacher. I had no idea how much work was really involved because what i didnt read was they loved it so much they wanted my work as soon as possible so that way I could possibly start early, before I graduate so I have to hurry. this is my dream school I just wasnt going to apply because its really hard to get into and I never thought I was good enough, but apparently Im better than good!

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