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I was in the school cafeteria enjoying my lunch. My table was located in the far corner of the cafeteria, far away from everyone's curious gazes.

If I wanted to pass unnoticed during lunch, this table was the right one.

I threw a quick glance around me to see my classmates on the way to their tables chatting happily with one another. It must be nice. I thought to myself as I watched them laughing maybe at a stupid joke one of them said or something close to that.

I sighed heavily. Well, it's true that sometimes I felt lonely while being trapped in that noisy crowd of people, but it was my choice to live that way. Let's just say that I could not bring myself to trust anyone.

Every time I’ve trusted someone in the past I’ve been let down, so I have come to the conclusion that it’s easier and less painful to just rely on myself. Also, I didn't have the necessary energy to give other chances.

As we all know, people, in general, can't live all by themselves. They need a company most of the time. They need to build a relationship with others.

But also people get hurt easily when others ignore them. It is our nature as humans to have the need to be recognized. But another truth is — at the end of each chapter, you will still get ignored or worse, disappointed. As it happened to me. So why even bother?

That was what made me different from them. I tilted my head and threw a glance at the center of the cafeteria. There we could see the popular table, where the captain of our football team Aidan Johnson sat with his friends Sean Miller, and London Turner.

They, on the other hand, loved the attention. They couldn't live without it.

Every single guy from Harvard wanted to befriend them. Every girl craved for their attention and to enjoy at least one minute in their company. Why not, even make them theirs. Just because they were popular, rich and handsome enough.

Wasn't that pitiful?

And those three stars wouldn't feel very disappointed about how things settled for them. They were in ecstasy each time a chick would squeal their way.

They were indeed gorgeous, but it wasn't enough to make me shake my invisible tail nor lift it up.

I, unlike them, craved for their indifference. I was perfectly fine as long as I wasn't under their radar.

But sometimes that little wish seemed impossible to achieve as my eyes locked with Aidan's green ones.

I tore my sight away and with a sigh looked down to my plate as I sat motionless as a statue.

Memories from the past once again tried to break free from that corner of my mind where I made sure to lock them.

I closed my eyes and for 643347th time ignored those intrusive thoughts.

Did you know that fear is a powerful motivator and a very important conditioning mechanism for avoiding danger? Yep, I was fully aware of that. After all, fear was the main motive of my drastic transformation.

Because in the past... I used to be the exact opposite of what I was now. But this until a year ago. My last year as a high school student made sure to teach me a lesson. The lesson of my life.

Back then I was popular, just like Aiden. But popularity wasn't for everyone. You can deal with it or not. For those who can't, though, nothing good will come out of it. It can easily destroy at least one life.

Even if I finished my lunch a long time ago, I waited for the others to finish and leave first. The door of the cafeteria was placed at the other side of the room, it would have been too much of a hassle being forced to cross the whole cafeteria with everyone's gazes aimed my way.

When it was clear, I stood up and with a content smile on my lips, I moved towards the exit.

Two classes left and another day will come to a successful finish.

I can do this, I encouraged myself while I was heading towards the door. It has been a month at Harvard and everything went smoothly. As long as I will keep it up as I did this month, nothing could go wrong.

I was about to reach the door but abruptly stopped when the door suddenly opened on its own just to find myself face to face with a boy I rarely had the opportunity to come across.

I blinked two times. Right in front of me stood the nerd of the school as everyone called him. Alex.

If I thought about it, he was better than me at making himself invisible. If I remember correctly, I have seen him only three or four times since I entered Harvard, a month ago.

I have a problem when it comes to new faces, it was always impossible for me to put a name to a face I just saw a couple of times. But with him was different, because he was always wearing a black cap and a black mask which covered his mouth and nose. And just like me, he also wore dark clothing. He wasn't someone easily to forget.

Aiden and his friends started to make fun of him and his aspect from the moment they first laid their eyes on him. But they also gave up pretty quick as the boy would always remain impassive while waiting for them to finish with their number.

Aiden and his friends could be really scary and intimidating. Even so, Alex seemed unaffected and unmoved. Which is why they gave up as it all became suddenly too boring.

The teachers weren't very happy about him wearing a mask, but once Alex's parents explained to them that he had a rare disease related to immunity which didn't allow him to remove his mask, they come to understand and not insist on the matter any longer.

Yes, I knew this boy. I have seen him before as we went to the same high school and even the same kindergarten. But I was never curious enough to approach him. I don't know why. He had something that made me keep my distance. I was sure I wasn't the only one feeling that way as I have never seen someone stay too long near him.

Also, I have never been so close to him as I had suddenly found myself at that very moment. And I had to admit that... It was kinda scary.

He was taller than I thought as our eyes locked and I felt my cheeks getting warmer. I have never thought that his eyes were blue. And not that normal blue I was used to. They were almost violet. And I was suddenly staring.

His stare was so intense, it brought shivers down my spine.

My whole face was flustered and my breathing heavy as I became conscious of him and how close we stood from one another.

He raised one eyebrow, maybe because of my slow reaction as I was still blocking the way.

"Do you mind?" He asked politely and I blushed harder at his steady yet warm voice.

As I moved a step aside I didn't miss the way his eyes became a little warmer before he passed by me inside the cafeteria.

I took a deep breath and looked after him. Why did I feel like wanting to know what was hiding behind that mask?

I frowned at that thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2019 ⏰

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