The one where 2/5th of the Novak brothers are drug addicts {Destiel}

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The doorbell rung early in the morning, sometime at six when only Castiel was awake. Dean still fast asleep in their bed. The sky was still dark, almost pitch black, while the air held a winter chill, despite it only being October. Castiel has been hunched over the kettle, boiling water for his second cup a tea, when it happened. He forced himself to stand, staggering half asleep to the front door.

"Castiel Novak?" A women questioned once he had opened the door.

"Uhh, yes?"

"My name is Naomi" she gave a forced grin, before continuing on. "I'm here to talk to you about your brother Lucifer."

Castiel frowned. He hadn't talked to his brother in years, the rest of his family, minus Balthazar, even longer. "Uh," he glanced to the clock, he had forty minutes before he had to leave for work, if things got rushed he could wake Dean. "Of course, come in."

He lead the women through his house, and into the kitchen, "would you like something to drink?" Castiel offered, though Naomi only shook her head before she took a seat at the dining room table. Castiel taking a seat across from her.

"When was the last time you talked with your brother?"

"Maybe a few years ago." Castiel paused, had he talked to Lucifer after his brother moved out he wasn't sure. "It has been over eight years."

"Are you aware that he has a son?"

"Yes." He glanced towards the clock, he had just over thirty minutes.

"And are you aware that the mother, Kelly Kline, passed during labor?" Another yes. Naomi cleared her throat, her gaze darting away from Cas' and to the papers she'd placed on the table. "Your brother is loosing custody of his son Jack" She finally stated.

She looked back up as if waiting for some reaction, though Can had non to give. He wasn't shocked, if anything he was shocked it hadn't happened sooner. Lucifer had been an awful person growing up, getting into as many fights as he could, being a pest just to be a pest. Castiel.  couldn't see him ever changing. "We have talked to your brother Michael, but he declined, you brother Balthazar is in France so we are unable to consider him an optioning and as your brother Gabriel is..." Gone, off the face of the earth, probably overdosed in a ditch. "unreachable, that leaves you. If you decline we will contact your parents, and offer them the sane option, if they are to decline, your nephew will be put into a foster home."

Cas tilted his head to the side, a frown grazing his lips. "You want me to adopt him?"

"No" Naomi pushes a paper across the table, allowing Castiel to see it. A bunch of words had been printed across it, talking about custody, and guardianship. At the bottom blank lines sat, waiting for a signature. "I am offering for you to foster him. Meaning that you are his guardian, unless his father is able to prove that he is capable of custody."

Ten minutes till he had to leave. Castiel pushed the paper back. He tried to swallow the lump had formed in his throat, though no matter how much he tried it stayed stuck in his throat. Suffocating his breath. "My apologies but I'm unsure if me or my partner are ready for a child."

"I understand ." Once she stood up, she dug through her pocket, pulling out a business card, and folded paper. Both were placed in front of Castiel. "Thank you for your time"

As Castiel picked up the folded paper, Naomi stopped in the doorframe. "I'm going to be talking to your parents in two days, if you change your mind before then call me."

"Of course"

Slowly Castiel unfolded the paper, revealing the photo of a smiling child, that he could only a assume was Jack. The boy couldn't be older then five, with shaggy blond hair. A wide grin was spread across his face, revealing a gap where one of his front teeth would be.

He was a cute kid, Cas would give him that.

The day dragged on slowly, spent stuck in his studio, attempting to draw. He had to present his building design in a week, the company was allowing no extensions. Though no matter how many times he tried to start, procrastination always seemed to win. Then Dean canceled their lunch plans, leaving Cas to go to alone. All while the photo of Jack burned in his pocket.

He got home late that night, sometime past eight. Exhausted, and sore, he fell into their living room couch, baring his face into the fuzzy blanket that was thrown across.

"Hey angel," he herd Dean say, before he pressed a kiss to Castiel's neck. "Long day?"

Castiel nodded in reply. He couldn't stop thinking about Jack, and his wide grin. The way his eyes had shined. Foster care would destroy him, Castiel's parents would destroy him. As they had done to Castiel and his brothers. He couldn't let that happen.

"Whats wrong?" Dean asked.

"Social service came today." Castiel replied once he was sat up.

He won't against Dean, resting his head against the other mans shoulder. From there he could smell the grease, and oil off Dean. It was his usual smell after work, before Cas forced him into the shower. "Oh no!" Dean exaggerated, mouth open in a fake shock, "did they take our kid?"

A small frown gazed Cas' lips. "No, but they took Lucifer's."

Deans mouth opened, his eyes darting across Castiel's face to make sure it wasn't a joke. "Why?"

"They did not tell me, but I am assuming his drug addiction was one reason," Castiel replied. It had been something Luicifer had been suffering with since at least eighteen. He had also been the cause of Gabriel's. "They wanted me to foster him, and I said no, but now..."

"You want to."

"I don't know." Castiel sighed, he took Deans hand in his own. "He doesn't deserve to grow up in a foster home. It is not his fault."

When Dean didn't reply Castiel looked up, "I think we should do it." He finally declared his eyes, the forest green that Castiel has memorized so long ago, met Cas'. "Let's foster him."

The paper work was tedious, and took longer then either would have liked. Endless nights spent reading through and signing. Weekends where they did nothing but classes, followed by a house analyst that Castiel had been unable to attend. Overall it took over two months, though Castiel had managed to stay excited the whole, until they sat at the diner booth waiting for Jack to arrive.

"What if they don't come?" Dean asked one hand gripping Castiel's tightly, while the other tapped at the table. Unlike Castiel, Dean made his worry clear, everytime Jack or his fostering was invloved.

Castiel glanced across the diner, much like he had for the past fifteen minutes, though nothing had changed. "They'll be here soon," Castiel insisted, though the unease in his stomach had began to grow. "They have to."

Neither of them spoke after that, until the diner bell rang and Naomi walked in, a small boy following.

"Sorry for being late," She said taking a seat across from them, "traffic was heavy."

"its all fine" Cas replied.

"Hi Jack," Castiel greeted. He couldn't help the wide grin that spread across his face, or the fireworks that had began in his stomach. Any sense of fear long gone. Jack was real, in front of him in person. The missing tooth, his fluffy blond hair. Every feature Castiel had memorized, now in person. His vision was blurred as he continued to watch the boy, unable to look anywhere else. "My names Castiel, and this is Dean." He paused to take a deep breath, "We're going to be your family."


What is this??? I don't know! actually I do know! This is an idea for a fanfic that I've been considering writing but probably won't because I can only write one story at a time.

Always I know not much happens in this but I kind of like it! Maybe I'll write a part two??? I don't know I have a lot of ideas for this!

Anyways thanks for reading!

-Paige x.

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