I knew it

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Hello Everyone,

It is I, MinTae_wolf, here with another fic. This time, it is a side piece one-shot telling the story of Taehyung and his girlfriend Taelyn. (Sorry, it can't be a Y/N as the story in which the characters are coming there is already a Y/N and she is with Jimin. In the original story Taelyn is an OC, but it is based on me.) This story is also posted on my Tumblr. (IMAGES off Google)

Anyways, the characters are from a story called: The Hunt by Wolfestar on Wattpad: Please check it out.

Anyways here is a little tidbit you need to know for the story. It can be read stand-alone, but why miss out on a great fic!

WORD COUNT: About 2K (if you include my notes it is higher, the fic itself is 1956)

Taehyung: Korean, Rottweiler 'hybrid' shapeshifter. (Think like Animagus or Jacob Black XD) He is a very sweet, loyal boy. Hyper and a good sense of smell. He may seem naïve, but he really isn't. He's observant. He has a younger brother.

Taelyn: American, ESL/EFL teacher. White-tailed mongoose 'hybrid' shifter. (A mongoose is a small, snake-killing, cat-like (feliformia) mammal. They are small, slender, and full of energy. Also, snake venom doesn't hurt them unless it is an extremely large amount) Described by Taehyung as; beautiful and kind, with an amazing smile!

Normal font: Present
Italic font: Flashbacks


Little back story: Taehyung and Taelyn met when Taehyung went to pick up his younger brother from school, it was there he met Taelyn one of the teachers. Love at first sight, together two years and still going. She's been in America for a few months and has just returned to South Korea for a visit and this is just a little snippet into their time together.


Two years and four months ago, a young male with brunette hair at the time being 'forced' (basically his little brother begged him) to pick up his younger brother from the English school they had enrolled him in. In a way, the boy was jealous that his younger brother got to go to this school, and he was forced to rely on his friend for learning and books. However, he had no idea just HOW jealous he would be of his little brother. He glances at his cell phone, 6:00 pm his brothers' class should be letting out soon, that's right, his brother goes to night classes. His nose twitches slightly, someone was burning incense in one of the rooms and his sensitive nose was not a fan. His head turns when the door to a room opens, Tokyo, he notes before a happy and soothing voice reaches his ears.

"BYE-BYE!! See you later Flora, good-bye Tiger. High- five Jasper, good work today." the woman's voice spoke.

Jasper, Taehyung notes laugh and can be heard giving the high. He never really understood why they had to get English names, after all, it's not like his name or his brother's name were overly difficult to pronounce. Then, his body froze, not only was the teacher a 'hybrid' like himself, but she was beautiful, and he was in love. He was only mildly aware of the boy now clinging to his hips calling to his teacher in the process.

"TEACHER!! COME HERE!" Jasper calls excitedly motioning to his teacher, who turns at the call. Her blue eyes lock on the smaller boy before drifting up to Taehyung's face, the elder notices her eyes widen slightly before a dazzling smile graces her lips.
"Hello, I'm Taelyn, Jasper's teacher. You must be his brother. It's nice to meet you." The angelic voice said, breaking Taehyung out of his stupor. "Hi, yes, I'm Taehyung. Nice to meet you."

It was two weeks later that Taehyung asked to see her outside of the school, and though skeptical, she wasn't technically breaking any rules of her job as he is not the parent, nor the student. It was an additional 3 months before Taelyn ever met Taehyung's hybrid friends because the boy was 1. Lovesick like the puppy he is, 2. Scare that they would scare her away and 3. For a very good reason, worried about their meeting.

The Hunt- Tae's fluffDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora