Remember and Regret

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  • Dedicated to TO the people who knows who they are

It was the same as what life wants it to be. You go somewhere in the middle of the night or day and meet 'the one'. Well, the same goes for me, I went out for a walk since, I'm stuck and voila, I met him. The guy with the most amazing brown eyes. A messy hair and an awesome smile that can never fail to take my breath away. I actually met him in my favorite ice cream shop and I got his number and I waited for his call. The call that never came. So, here's my story. The story of my biggest mistake. A mistake that I still regret until now and it's already five years. So, let me take you, five years into the past. It's Christmas eve when I went outside, since I have to finish a story my cousins forced me to write.

Five years

I was walking . It's still snowing even when it's already 9:00 pm. It's quite fascinating whenever I see people walking in the snow with their loved ones. I love seeing those kind of moments. It's kinda weird for me to say this but I still hope and wish that one day I'll meet someone who'll be willing to walk in the snow with me. I smiled for no reason and walked towards my favorite Ice cream shop, Ringo's.

"Hey!" I said as I entered the shop. I don't care whether people heard me, since no one's in here. Who would want Ice cream when it's snowing!

"Sophie Smith," said the owner named Ringo. HE's wearing a sweater with a Christmas tree design in the middle that can make me say 'huh' in all the wrong way possible. I just smiled and walked towards the counter where Mr. Ringo is busy eating a BLT sandwich. It's his favorite.

"What are you doing here?" Mr. Ringo asked

"Well, I'm stuck in writing a story Cher wants me to finish. So, I decided to have a walk and I remembered that I always eat Ice cream here and I wish you a happy Christmas, Mr. I-need-exercise" I said smiling.

Mr. Ringo smiled and shook his head, "So, your here because your stuck?"

I nodded

Mr. Ringo smiled and said, "Fine, I'm gonna make your favorite."

"YAY!!" I said as I sit on the chair. Actually, Mr. Ringo is an old desert chef of my family. I'm an heiress of a world renowned Industry. So, I'm filthy rich making people avoid me, since they think that I'm a snobby brat. So, I'm the forever alone dude in my school. Though I have a few friends, but it still hurts me whenever they got into fights because of me. So, I try to stay away from them as far as possible and now I'm sick of being alone.

"Evening!" said a guys voice

I turned and I saw a guy with messy snow covered hair brown eyes and a fair skin tone. He actually looked familiar. It's like I met him before.

"Ringo!" he screamed, I stared at him and raised a brow. NO one can call Mr. Ringo just Ringo. It's something I never tried before. This dude have no manners.

"Hey, you can't just call him Ringo you know." I said staring at the dude

"And who are you?" asked the guy

"None of your business" I said

"Oh, I'm Mitchell by the way. He's my Uncle." Mitchell said

I raised a brow and looked at Ringo, who smiled and nodded 'yes'. I smirked and looked at Mitchell. I flipped my light brown hair and said, "Sophie,"

"Your who?" he asked

"Sophie, okay."

"Too common"

I glared at him and he just laughed. He started walking towards me and sat at the chair next to me. I looked at him and can't help but feel something unusual. Like it's not gravity that's holding the two of us but something unusual. Something even I can't explain.

"Sophie, here." Mr. Ringo said, giving me my Ice cream sundae. It's a sundae that only me can have. Mr. Ringo never makes it for anyone but me. So, what happened next suprised me.

"Uncle, the usual" Mitchell said

"Aye aye" said Mr. Ringo

"So, what do you do?" Mitchell asked, obvoiusly trying to have a conversation

I smiled and did my best to not ignore him, "I'm still studying, you?"

"Having freedom!" Mitchell answered

"Freedom?" I asked, how come he has freedom while I can't. That's unfair

"Mitchell's homeschooled.His parents don't trust him to go to school." Mr. Ringo said

"Really?' I said

"YEah, it never sucks. I  can always text the teachers to not come. Awesome right!" Mitchell said

I stared at him like crazy. I can't believe that he can have the life I once lived. The life of homeschooled kids. It's unfair in so many levels, "I'm speechless. I think your the smartest person ever."

"Thank you," Mitchell answered, smiling. It's the kind of smile that can hunt you whenever you can't see it. A smile that can never fail to take your breath away. A song played, a Christmas Song called 'Last Christmas'. My favorite Christmas Carol next to 'Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas'

I smiled and listened to the song. The lyrics is awesome. It tells how a girl fell in love with a guy who broke her heart at Christmas. I can actually relate to this. I once had a boyfriend who broke my heart by cheating on me with my so called friend. The worst thing about it is the fact that I found out about their relationship when it's Christmas eve. So, it sucks. It really does.

"YOu like the song?" MItchell asked

I just nodded


"Well, I can really relate to this. Since, " I started telling my story. The story that I don't just tell to just anyone, so it shocked to hear myself tell the story my cousins wished to know. Once the story ended, Mitchell got off of his chair and hugged me. Damn! The dude that I just met, hugged me.

"I know how that feels." Mitchell said, once he let go, he went back to his chair.

"YOu got cheated on Christmas too?" I said, that's weird

He nodded and said, "Yeah, in this place and on the same spot your sitting on. She's everything I am, or so I thought. I still come back you know. I haven't deleted her picture in my phone and I still comeback here after all those years. Still hoping that I'll meet someone who can replace her. I just hope that someday I can find her."

I looked at him and smiled. It's actually weird to see a person that's still hoping to find someone in a Ice cream shop of his Uncle, but who can blame him. What if he really loved that girl, he still can't moveon I see. I looked at the cloked and realized that it's already 12:00 mn. Gush, my parents would murder me. I looked at him and realized that he's eating Ice cream. I slowly stand-up, so that I won't distract him or whatsoever but he noticed

"Where you going?" he asked

"HOme, my parents might kill me" I answered smiling

"Aw, well as a Christmas Tradition, I must" he stopped and looked up

I stared at him and looked at the ceiling and saw a mistletoe blooming. My eyes widened. I just can't believe that I'll be stuck in a situation with a guy I just met. Damn.

"So," I said. I didn't even finished my sentence since MItchell kissed me. Kissed me! Damn it,he ought to be my first kiss and the worst part is the fact that I responded to the kiss. Damn!

It was short and kinda sweet. I stared at him and he smiled. I didn't smile back and said, "I'm sorry, but I'm not your Christmas girl or whatever. I'm sorry." and I ran outside with tears falling from my eyes. I actually don't understand why I responded to the stupid kiss! C'mon it's really stupid to get my hopes up and my heart on my sleeve. I'm not there to fall and I'm not ready and I know that I will never regret it.

How little do I know that after five years. I'll be bawling my eyes out to have him back.

I looked at my arm and left my lucky charm bracelet at the shop. I think it'll make everything worst.

A;/N: So, it's kinda interesting to see what will happen next. Actually no one knows. Thank you for reading!!

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