The Beginning and End

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I open my eyes and wake, and all I can see is black. There is no light anywhere. "I wish to escape and yearn for freedom," I think to myself. The door creaks open from the main floor to the dungeon, and footsteps scurry down the stairs. There is a light coming from the top of the stairs. My eyes adjust to the room around me. I am locked in a cage; I don't know how long I have been in here. My body still aches from the multiple lashes, bruises and deep cuts. There is a figure standing in front of me, must be Master.

"GET UP!" Master screams at me. I shuffle to get up and stand slightly in front of Master but still behind bars. 

"Come with me," Master says opening the cage and walking towards the weapon room. I follow, terrified about what is going to happen next. Master goes into the room and gets out the whip, "Stand up against that wall. NOW!" I stumble over to the wall, facing it. I am barely wearing any clothes, just a simple dress that stops at my mid-thigh. Out of all the other girls, I have been told that I am the more mature and the prettiest. Master lifts up my dress and whips me; I yawp in pain and just stand there, "This will teach you for disobeying my orders." Master quickly stops when Mrs rushes down the stairs.

"Do you know where the other girls are?" Mrs quickly says huffing and puffing.

"Aren't they upstairs cleaning?" Master replies. 

"No, but maybe Kenna will know where they are, if not she can go around and not rest until she finds them." Mrs turns her attention from Master to me. Not even a moment passes by.

She just looks at me, "Well, are you going?", shooing me up the stairs.

I rush up the stairs, finally free of that dark dungeon. As my feet hit each stair, I can feel the blood rushing to them. I already wanted to rest because of the lashing that I got from Master. I start searching in the kitchen for the other girls. I check in the cupboards and in the pantry. No sign of them. I go and check the main bedroom, no sign of them in there, but I do find something on the dresser. From a distance, I had no idea what it was, it looked like a red stain, and then I got closer and it was a deep red and was thick, like blood. "Why was there blood on the dresser?" I thought to myself. Where could they be? I think for a couple of seconds, then it clicks, "The bathroom!" I rush off to the bathroom and open the curtain around the tub and find all three girls sitting quietly in the tub.

"What are you doing in here? You are going to get into trouble," I say looking at the girls, concerned. I search them for any cuts, "Why is there blood on the dresser in Master's bedroom?"

Tammy, Riley and Meggie are all sitting in the tub looking up at me. Meggie says, "We are hiding from the Wicked Witch of the West," I look at them with confusion, "We don't want to end up in the dungeon locked up like you were. We can't handle any more beatings, we just want to be free." Tammy and Riley nod their head in agreement. Tammy speaks up, "The blood on the dresser is mine. I cut myself..." I glare at her, "on the bookshelf as I was cleaning."

"Are you okay? Did you bandage it up? Just by sitting in here not doing anything will get you into trouble. You need to get out and start working. If I was you, I would right now, it is horrible down there. Absolutely horrible."

"Yeah, I am fine. But, Kenna turn around." Tammy says to me and pointing towards the door.

I turn around slowly in fright. All three girls gasp. Master is in the doorway and is not very happy. He has this enormous frown on his face. Mrs is standing behind him.

"What is this?!? Why are you all in here?!? Tammy, Riley and Meggie come with me. Kenna I'll deal with you afterwards." I look at the girls and they stand up and hop out of the bath. Tammy is clutching her side, where I can see she has used a wad of toilet paper against her wound. Tammy, Riley and Meggie were all thrown into the same cage I was in this morning and he slams the door behind him. All I can hear is their screams as Master leaves them down there.

I walk back into the main room, where across the room I can see the door to the dungeon. Master approaches up the stairs. He shuts the door to the dungeon. He opened mouth to say something, but he just turns around and punches me, and I fall to the floorboards. I use my hands to try and scoot myself backwards away from him. I grow weaker and not able to put up a fight. I put my hand on my face and pull it away, my eye is bleeding. He picks me up to stand and punches me in the ribs. I felt my ribs snap and it was hard to breathe. I fall back to the floor and knock my head hard on the floor. I can smell the blood on Master's knuckles. The pain overcomes me and the blackness caves in. Unable to move, I lay motionless, my bones crushed and my heart stops. 

Now I'm free.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2020 ⏰

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