The day

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‘I don’t know if I can do this’ Kenma said as he struggled with his tie. 

Hinata took it, undid it entirely, and started from the beginning. He could see the blonde’s hands were shaking.

‘Don’t worry. You’ll be great. I’m gonna be right there if you need me.’ He said, trying to calm him down. ‘There. All done.’

Kenma looked in the mirror. He wasn’t used to seeing himself in a suit. He felt… strange. But then again, everything he was about to do was extremely out of character.

‘You boys ready?’ Kenma's mom said as she entered the room. ‘Oh my God.’ She gasped. ‘Kozume, baby, you look wonderful.’ She walked up to him and fixed his collar a bit. ‘Come on, everyone’s waiting’

Kenma took a last look at himself, sighted and then followed the other two out of the room.


Everyone was already there. He could see from afar his old teammates, some of them sitting, some of them still waiting for him to arrive. Yaku and Lev were sitting together as always, laughing at something, though he couldn’t hear what they were saying. Tora was next to Tanaka and Nishinoya. The three of them looked exactly like they did on high school. Especially Noya, who hadn’t grown an inch. Kenma saw the rest of the Karasuno team mingling with the Nekoma and Fukurodani.

And then, at the end of the aisle, he saw him. He was wearing a black tux with a blue bowtie that matched his own. Kuroo was talking animatedly with his two best men. Bokuto was talking so loudly Kenma could almost make out what he was saying. Daichi, Karasuno’s old captain, who had become a great friend of Kuroo’s during college, was trying to get him to shut up. Kuroo seemed relaxed, like always, but Kenma felt like he was going to pass out. His hands were sweating, and he couldn’t control his breath. Why had he agreed to all this? He hated being the centre of attention, he just couldn’t stand it. 

Just when he was about to turn around and lock himself in the first room he could find, Kenma felt a warm hand on his shoulder. He looked up and saw Hinata smiling. The ginger squeezed as hard as he could, and Kenma flinched a little from the pain.

‘You got this.’ He said with his chin up, looking up, as always and, somehow, passed some of his overwhelming confidence on to the little blonde.

Hinata entered the room and gave the signal to the priest. His mom walked up to Kenma and took him by the arm. It was a strange thing for a mother to walk his son down the aisle, but Kenma didn’t care. This was a strange wedding after all. She smiled at him and his son nodded as he put his hand on her mother’s arm.

The music started and both of them entered the room. Everyone stood up and looked at them. Kenma felt the urge to look down and avoid their gazes, but his mom squeezed his arm and looked up towards the end of the hallway, as proud as a mother could be. So Kenma took a deep breath and imitated her.

When his gaze met Kuroo, his heart skipped a beat. He looked so handsome in his black tuxedo. His hair was a little combed, but his characteristic spikes were still there. But it was the look on his face that had swept Kenma off his feet. He looked so utterly happy, like the little blonde had never seemed before.

When they got to the end of the aisle, the woman gave his son a kiss on the cheek and took a seat. Kenma walked the rest of the way trying to get a hold of himself. 

‘Hey Kitten.’ Kuroo said when he reach him and took the setter’s hand.

Everyone took a sit and the ceremony began. As the priest talked, the same thought kept popping on Kenma’s head. 

I can’t do it.

He was too nervous to pay attention to what the old man in front of him was saying, so he was taken aback when he heard him say his name.

‘Kenma Kozume, do you take Kuroo Tetsuro to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in heath, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto him for as long as you both shall live?

‘I… I do.’ He said in a faint voice.

‘And you, Kuroo Tetsuro, do you take Kenma Kozume to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in heath, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto him for as long as you both shall live?’


‘Wait!’ Kenma said, interrupting the blocker. 

A little murmur came from the guest sitting behind them; all trying to understand what was going on. The look on Kuroo’s face had changed and his eyes were now full of fear.

‘I’d like to say something first.’ 

Kenma turned around slowly and looked at his best friend right in the eye.

‘I’ve always been lonely. Ever since I was a little kid. I remember looking at people and their friends and lovers, and thinking “I could never have that”. No one could love someone like me. I mean, why would they?’ he scoffed and looked down. When he looked at Kuroo, he saw a puzzled look on his face. ‘It took me a long time to realize that someone already did.’

Kenma took Kuroo’s hands and held his gaze. The blond could feel the tears behind his eyes, waiting to come out.

‘I was lonely, but I was never alone. You were always there for me.’ He was talking as if they were no one else in the room. He wasn’t talking for all those people. This was just for him. ‘You know… I never knew how to be with people, but I always knew how to be with you. You always made it so easy for me to be myself. You always knew how I was and never asked me to be anything else. You loved me even when I couldn’t love myself. Even when I thought you shouldn’t. You stood by me all this time. You’ve made me feel happy and loved… something I thought could never happen. And I want to do the same for you, if you’ll let me…’

Kuroo squeezed Kenma’s hands and brought him closer. The tears were running down his face but he would not let go of the setter to wipe them off. He would never let him go, not for anything in the world. 

‘I do.’ He said with a broken voice, squeezing Kenma’s hand.

‘Well then,’ said the priest, smiling. ’You may kiss the groom.’

Kuroo took Kenma by the neck and brought him as close as he could. He pressed his lips against the setter’s as he felt their tears mixing in their cheeks.

Everyone in the room stood up, clapping and cheering. Kenma took a look around and saw Hinata jumping and pulling Kageyama’s arm. Daichi was conforting Bokuto, who was crying from the blonde’s speech. Even Tsukishima was smiling.

He could see his mother, weeping from happiness, and Kuroo’s mother comforting her with a smile on her face and her husband by her side. 

But he didn’t care about them. Not now. He only had eyes for his best friend. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2019 ⏰

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