Arnav helped her enter inside the house, supporting her, she is still weak, the house was plunged in darkness, and she clutched his hands tight. Arnav 'Shhh I'm here'
They both in silent feet crossed the living room reaching for the stairs when light came all over the room. Both shocked looked around to see their family standing with a smile, puzzled they looked at all of them.
Nani coming forward 'bitiya today you made us happy with the news'
Anjali 'I can see both of you wanted to hide from us but I found it'
Payal cupping Khushi's face 'Khushi why did you hide from us, you are going to be mother and did not bother to share this happy news'
Maami 'hello hi bye bye phati saree why did you not tell us?'
Anjali pulling her not seeing her weak and pale face 'it is okay, now all is fine, my Chotte is going to be a father what more could we ask for'
Nani 'sachh bitiya I'm so happy today'
Payal 'even Amma, Babuji and Buaji were very happy, they said soon they will come to meet you' Arnav's heart pained to see Khushi's ghostly face.
Taking the receiver in her hand Payal 'let me make a call to them, they wanted to talk to you' she just had punched the numbers when the phone was snatched and crashed down in piece. Payal shocked 'Khushi!!!'
Arnav came running to her, taking her in his arm who is now breathing fire; Khushi pushed him away, her tears rolling down unchecked. All gasped when they saw Khushi shattering everything which came on her hand.
Khushi 'Why now? Why now?' is all she shouted at the top of her voice.
She all drained out was going to fall hard on the floor when Arnav held her securely, she slumping down taking him along with her cried 'why now? Why are you all happy now? Why not then? Why did you all not happy when I got married? Why now when my baby is dead?' everyone stood rooted to the spot they could not believe what they are hearing.
Payal trembling 'Khushi...what....'
Khushi crying hard looked at her own hand 'I killed my child...I killed my child is no baby left is all because of is all because of you people.....*she looked at all of them* I hate you...I hate everyone....just go away...just go away from me....' Arnav hugged her hiding in his chest, his tears running down his pale cheek slipping in her hair.
Arnav 'Shhhh Khushi.....shhh Khushi' everyone's mind was stuck on only one line swirling again and again 'I killed my child'
Khushi 'I hate you....I hate you..' is all she said before fainting. He panicked lifting her in his arms taking her to their bedroom. Soon doctor was called in to check her.
Doctor coming out of the room, Arnav 'how is she?'
Doctor 'she is fine but I need to talk with you'
He looked over at unconscious Khushi, Doctor 'she will come to conscious in an hour, we can talk' then she glanced at the family members 'alone!!!'
Nodding at her he took her to his study room, Doctor 'Mr. Raizada Khushi is emotionally weak, and it is up to you to take care of her and keep her happy' Arnav looked out of the window.
Doctor sighing 'I don't know what made her to abort her child *he gulping closed his eyes in pain* but I can say she is not happy with it, she is suffering from stress, and will be on high emotion, going by your words on what happened here before she fainting states that and it is highly expectable at the loss of pregnancy for experiencing a roller coaster of emotions such as numbness, disbelief, anger, guilt, sadness, depression, and difficulty concentrating. Even if the pregnancy ended very early, the sense of bonding between a mother and her baby can be strong, and for Khushi who loves kid so much is not difficult to bond with her unborn baby. She will go through symptoms include: fatigue, trouble sleeping, difficulty concentrating, loss of appetite, and frequent episodes of crying. The hormonal changes that occur after miscarriage may intensify these symptoms. You have to be more careful with her'
Arnav turned to her 'why did you not stop her? Why you did not informed me before agreeing with her'
Doctor 'she left me with no choice'
Arnav 'what do you mean?'
Doctor 'if not for me she would have went to other doctor, seeing her not wanting the baby I could not do anything but to relent to her and it is enough for the mother to decide on the part whether she is willing to keep her child or abort it'
Arnav shouted in agony 'That is not an excuse, I'm father of child and I ought to be known of everything about my child. Don't you think? My acceptance too needed here, I can sue your hospital for this' doctor flinched.
Doctor hung her head in guilt 'I'm sorry, I do feel guilty to keep you away from the information, I should have consulted you'
Arnav turned his face away 'your sorry is not going to make everything alright' sighing he looked at the doctor 'you can leave'
Doctor nodding at him 'if there is any emergency give me a call *turning one last time* sorry again'
Arnav was climbing the stairs to enter his room when he heard Khushi's shout, he ran towards his room and came to stop inside to see Khushi throwing everything on floor. He rushed to her in the process getting hit by a vase flown his way. Anjali cries calling him 'Chotte!!!'
But Arnav cared less, he stopped Khushi from breaking things more and hurting herself too in the process 'Khushi...Khushi...Shhhh stop....please stop'
Khushi shouted at him 'tell them to go away...I don't want anyone....tell them to go away'
Payal gasping her name 'Khushi!!!'
Khushi turning towards her shouting 'Go Away!!!'
Nani, Maami, Anjali and Payal trembled with the fury they saw in her face. Arnav begging them 'please leave'
Anjali looked at him shocked, his face etched with pain, they all left the room. Arnav cupping her face 'shhh Khushi they are gone, please be calm...shhh' he hugged her; she kept quiet breathing heavily in his arms.
Arnav made her lie on bed 'shhh shhh everything is fine....please punish me but...*lump forming in his throat, he croacked' but don't punish yourself....please...' his tears dropped on her cheek, she looked up at his teary face, her gaze automatically going towards his small cut from where blood is dripping slowly. She jumped out of the bed, ignoring her pain and his protest of getting her out of the bed, rummaging the cupboard she bought first aid box towards him and nursed his wounds silently, he hugged her tight crying all over her. Even though he hurt her with vengeance, even though she wish to shut him too out but a mad lover deep buried inside her could not see him getting hurt, could not push him away like that from her life......deep down she still aches for him and his love, and will ache for him till the end of life...... but in the end she is hurt, he is hurt, they are hurt.
Khushi watched stars at sky all scattered sitting on poolside recliner, Arnav looked at her from the French door. He gulped looking at the girl before him, he is the sole reason for her every pain. A knock sounded on his door, he opened the door to see HP had come with the tray of food for them. Taking it from his hand he closed the door and took their dinner towards poolside where Khushi is watching the stars.
Sitting beside her he took morsel in his hand forwarding it to her, Khushi looked at his hand and at him, Arnav 'until you finish your dinner and take medicine I'm not going to have mine'
Khushi looked at his forehead on his cut while chewing on her food, Arnav notices her gaze and smiling slightly 'I'm fine and it is nothing *not more than what you endured and enduring thought Arnav ruefully*'
Arnav made her eat and gave her medicine; Khushi looked at his untouched plate of food in the tray, Arnav 'I'm having my food see' and started having his own. Both left poolside only when he finished his food and gulped down his medicine. Taking her inside he tucked her inside the bed and climbed over to his side hugging her close to himself, caressing her hair 'sleep Khushi...don't think about anything....just close your eyes and sleep' Khushi soon drifted off to sleep due to the toll taking on her emotionally and medicine partly.
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Next installment will be after Nov 10.

SS~Cruel Game Of Fate (COMPLETED)
FanfictionStory starts from there forced marriage.