Coffee date :)

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It's a cold and breezy afternoon. The big screen on the side of a building in front of you has a clock on it which reads 3:23pm. Dojoon was supposed to be here 8 minutes ago. You hold you arms and rub them as you get colder and colder the longer you wait. You wonder if you are dressed nice enough for him. You look down and see blue jeans, vans and your long grey jacket. Your vision starts getting foggy so you take off your glasses and exhale on them. While rubbing them clean someone covers your eyes and you turn back hit them in the stomach. You open your eyes and see it's Dojoon. 

"Ouch you really know how to throw a hit" he says laughing while holding his stomach in pain. 

"Omg omg omg omg omg omg I'm so so so so so so sorry omg no I'm so sorry" I apologise aggressively. 

He wraps his arms around me and shushes me. "It's okay I shouldn't of covered your eyes. I should've also remembered you're a black belt" he says silently laughing. 

I look up to see his bright and goofy smile and he gives me a forehead kiss. "Are you okay now baby?" 

"Yes" I say before giving him a kiss on the lips. 

He lets go of me and hold my hand. He's dressed very stylishly. Black pants with a grey sweater and a black trench coat. He's so handsome I can't believe he is my boyfriend. 

"Are you hungry?" He asks. 

"Not really but I could go for a small snack or a drink" 

"Well how about a cafe?" 

"Sure but lets choose a cheap one I'm not spending 12000 won on a latte again" 

"Okay sweetie anything you want" he says laughing. 

We walk down the street holding hands. He is very tall next to me so it looks weird whenever we stand together. People give us ugly looks so I let go of his so people don't judge us. He grabs m hand again and holds it tighter but I let go once again. He stops and looks at me confused. 

"Why did you let go of my hand?" 

"People are judging and I don't want to bring any attention to myself" I say in a shy voice.

"He comes closer to me and holds my head with both his hands and smiles. "No matter what people think I will always love you. I want everyone to stare so they'll know that I'm lucky because I scored you" 

I give him a kiss and we go back to holding hands. We start talking about our day and for him it was the usual. He spent the day working on his song and he cooked some food for him and Hajoon. They spent some time together before going their separate ways. I keep asking him what the song is about but whenever I ask he blushes and says I'm not allowed to know. I'm suspecting that he's writing a song about me and I blush at just the thought of it. I had very different day. I woke up at 5am to review all of my study material and then at 9am I had a test about different bacteria. Med school is not easy. After the three hour long test I went to 7-11, bought myself some food and ate with my best friend. We later went to her house and watched the new Jurassic world movie (pirated) and then I came to meet Dojoon. 

We arrive at the coffee shop and it's filled with people. It's my favourite coffee shop, I don't want to wait in line. 

"We could wait in line tho, it seems to be moving quite fast" Dojoon suggests. 

Before I could answer I see a girl in the cafe with a the rose pin on her bag and I nudge his arm. 

"Uhm lets just go get some fast food and go back to my dorm. Hurry lets go!" I quickly say while I try dragging him away with me. 

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