d e d i c a t i o n

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This part will be published I promise it's just late and I need to sleep,, so here's the dedication.

Dear my best friend,,
This is for you. I had this idea today because I, a procrastinator. I hope you enjoy this birthday book. You're such a mess,, but you're my mess. I love you so much and you're the most incredible person I've met. I'm so glad you're willing to put up with my shit and even adopt me for some damn reason. I love you,, Addie. I hope I remember to publish this tomorrow because it's currently like 11 and since I'm an old lady I need sleep so baaaiiiiii. But I hope you have the happiest birthday. Since you've already read this,, it isn't much of a surprise,, I just wanted you to have a kinda surprise since your present is on the way and I wanted to dedicate this book to you. Love yaaaaaaa.

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