Spicing It Up

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"Sweetheart, did you brush your teeth?" Demi walked into her four year old daughter's room. There were toys and dolls and clothes all over her floor but she was in the bathroom spitting into her sink. She turned the water off and hopped down off of her stool, jumping over to her mother and into her arms.

"Yes mommy, I'm all fresh now," London grinned and wrapped her arms around her mother's neck.

"That's great sweetie but what happened to your room? We just cleaned it before you brushed your teeth," Demi set her down on the floor and London pouted as she looked around at her room.

"I couldn't find my blanket, mommy," they had tons of blankets and covers in the house yet London couldn't go to sleep without the one that her father had gotten her from Paris, the one with the Eiffel Tower on it that she fell in love with.

"Hmm, okay, but just know that as soon as you wake up, we're cleaning this room up," Demi said, and London nodded before bouncing over to her bed. She pulled herself up and Demi pulled the covers back, letting her get herself comfortable before she tucked her in so that she was nice and cosy.

"I love you London," Demi whispered with a wide grin on her face. London had been an unexpected surprise, and even though it was cheesy and if she ever found out the reason behind her name when she was older she would probably hate her parents, but she had been conceived and born while Trey and Demi were on an extended vacation in England.

"I love you more mommy. Fishy kisses!" London puckered her lips like a fish and Demi giggled, doing the same and giving her a quick peck on the lips.

"Goodnight princess," she lightly tickled her before standing up and turning the lights off. Her nightlight clicked on and Demi blew her one last kiss before closing the door and walking down the hallway to her room.

She frowned at the left side of the bed that hadn't been slept on in two weeks as she made her way to her bathroom to get herself ready for bed. Demi was on a hiatus from her career so that she could dedicate all of her time to taking care of her daughter but Trey wasn't.

When London turned two, he had started working again. She didn't mind, but she missed him when he was gone and London did too. She adored her father and sometimes she wouldn't even go to sleep without facetiming him or getting a goodnight kiss from him. Today was easy because Trey had spent the first half of the day with them before he went to the studio.

"Come back home to me baby," Demi whispered to herself, flicking the light off in her bathroom and shutting the door. She padded over to her side of the bed and pushed the covers back, slipping in and grabbing her phone before she pulled them over her shoulders. She turned the screen on and there were a few notifications waiting for her, but the one that stuck out the most was the iMessage from Trey.

Hubby😍😘💏👫👪❤️: hey, I'm gonna be running a little late. Chris just showed up and we're gonna record another song. Don't wait up for me. I love you.

Demi released a deep sigh and locked her phone, not bothering to reply to the text. She glanced at his cold pillows and the cold sheets on the side of his bed. If she rolled over, she would be able to feel just how cold it was on his side of the bed, that's why she didn't sleep over there. She didn't like to feel the difference of temperatures and be reminded that she was spending yet another night without her husband.

She didn't wanna sound like a whiny housewife but she needed her husband. Of course she would miss him when he was gone because she loved him that much. He held half of her heart, their daughter holding the other half. She missed him emotionally and mentally and physically. She was tired of going to sleep every night not having his arms wrapped around her waist, not having him there as her safety net and her warmth. She missed the way that his simple touches on certain areas lit her entire body on fire, or even the way that his kisses were soft and delicate, but aggressive enough to bruise her lips and leave her wanting more and more. She missed her husband so much, it was beginning to eat away at her. But she would never take him away from his job because he loved what he did. She just wished that he would come back home to her at night when he was supposed to.

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