Root Beer

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Shauna's POV:

"Prude," he says, smirking at me in my one-piece bathing.

"Just because everything isn't hanging out doesn't mean I'm a prude," I scowl, instinctively covering my chest with my arms.

"Well those shorts do," he says pointing to the short-shorts I wear on top of my one-piece.

"Shut up," I mumble.

"Want something to drink? They have a lot of options," he says, glancing at the cooler filled with what can only be alcohol.

"Not 21, yet. Neither are you," I point out.

"But I'm 20 and so are you and that's close enough," he says, walking toward the cooler.

"Ezekiel Pedrad if you drink I swear to god I'll leave," I say stepping close to him.

"You're no fun. Anyways, I don't have to listen to you," he says walking back to me, sticking his tongue out.

"Hangovers are no fun either,"

"How would you know what a hangover feels like?"

"I've seen enough people on Sunday throwing up and holding their head in their hands to know,"

"Yeah, sure," he says, rolling his eyes.

"It's dangerous to drink and swim! I'm your friend who doesn't want you to die. You'll thank me later, addict,"

"Addict? I am not an addict!"

"Oh, really? Whatever you say, Miss Prim," I glare at him as hard as I can.

"No, drinking. I promise," he says holding out his pinky. I wrap my pinky around his and smile.

"Do they have root beer?" I ask, looking over at some of the coolers placed near the pool.

"Probably. I'll check," he says, walking off. I find myself staring at him as he walks away and smile to myself,

"Shauna!" I can hear a voice squeal. Marlene's wrap around me and I can almost feel her energy.

"Hey, Mar," I say smiling at her. She was just so energetic and friendly. I can see why Uriah and her match almost perfectly.

"When are you going to change into your bathing suit?" she asks.

"This is my bathing suit," I say with a small scowl.

"But you're wearing shorts,"

"That's exactly what I said," Zeke says, surprising me. He hands me a root beer.

"Thanks, but this is how I'm comfortable," I say stubbornly and take a small sip.

"At least lose the shorts,"

"Why do you care if I'm wearing shorts or not?"

"You're right, I should just let you be a single prude forever,"

"What does being a prude have to do with being single?" I demand, my eyes narrowing.

"Nothing," he says with a shrug, "by the way, I think those guys were looking at you earlier. Might wanna get some social interaction with the opposite sex if you're comfortable with that,"

"First of all, I am talking to a member of the opposite sex right now. Second, I don't want to. I'm gonna talk to Mar, Christina, and Tris," I say turning away and scanning the area for Mar.

"I don't count because we're friends!" he yells as I walk away. I plop down on a chair between Mar and Christina and take another sip of my rootbeer.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2019 ⏰

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