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Our hearts trembled in fear. As the thing drew closer with it's blood chilling growl. It's teeth bared, ready to pounce at any given moment. What I found creepy the most is that it looked similar to a kitty cat. But it was a lot bigger than a kitty cat, and with... human hands for paws. Part of creature's spine was exposed revealing spikes long it's spine. Kinda like a porcupine.

As I studied the beast it began to make its way around us looking for the best spot to attack. I got an idea as I glanced at my best friend Ashley. Ashley was Sweet, Innocent, and cute, but I didn't care much for her. So as the ugly cat monster came around to face us again, waiting for us to make a move, but the move I made was unexpected. With one swift motion I threw Ashley at the creature. Knocking both Ashley and the big kitty cat to the ground.

As Ashley began to scream In terror and fought to get up, I ran for the exit. Before I left I looked back to see the thing dragging Ashley into the darkness. I laughed a bit, then ran out. As I got outside I began to slow down. The reasoning for this is that there were two more of the creatures blocking my way.

Just my luck I thought to myself. Luckily alley ways have two ways to leave. As I turn to dash for the other exit one of the monsters pounced on my back. The creature sunk its teeth into my shoulder, I scream in agony and start flailing my arms around trying to shack the creature off. Somehow I was able to free myself from the creature's grasp. Still in pain and dazed I try to flee again, but as I heard the terrifying high pitched disorienting screeching I stop to look back. As I did I found claws raking across my face. I take a look at what did it and I found these cats things still had claws. As the disorienting screeching went on I found myself still running. As I reached the end of the two walls I took a left and started yelling for help. To the people in their homes I must've looked like a mad man. Bloody, tattered clothes, and yelling at the top of my lungs. As I realized no one was coming to help I ran a little faster. I don't know if it was the fear of being ripped apart, the anger of the people not coming out to help, or the pure Adrenalin running through my system.

While I was running I ran right into something, with the blood in my eyes and the fear in my heart I quickly hop over that low bearing thing in my path. As I did from behind me I heard hissing. I turn my head to see the big cats slowly backing away. Hissing. "Ha! Not so tough now kitty cat!", I yelled in victory. Knowing I finally escaped death. But as I was celebrating I noticed a very bright light coming right towards me. And a loud horn blared in my ears. A Train! I think, as close my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2019 ⏰

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