chapter 1

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I wondered towards the tavern that sat at the end of the dusty path. i swung the door open and entered, every eye in that room must have been on me. i was the only women in there. i took a seat with a man either side of me, a bar man walked up to me his grey hair and wrinkles looked down at me full of disgust and hatred. sexist bastards i thought as i took my shot of wiskey and walked out to my horse, i heard noises coming from the tavern i, suddenly a man flew out the door and landed hard on the wooden decking outside the tavern, he staggered to his feet placed hot hat on his head and pulled up his sleeves and marched back in.

I mounted my horse and trotted off into the woods the trees reached out at me tearing my dress. the moon gleaned down on me asi made my way into the town border. i arrive at my cabben hitch up my horse and walked in. it was cramped but it was a place to stay. The sun shone on my face waking me with a shock.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2014 ⏰

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