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We entertain angels sometimes unaware. They can be any color or shape and  can come from anywhere.  GOD uses these special angels to let us know He is always there. Also to show us that He truely loves and cares for us. Although many don't understand or are not aware that Jesus is there to comfort us during our times of dispair. Also how He lovingly listens to our every prayer. He is a wonderful counselor who tells us to give Him all of our disappointments, heartaches& feelings of dispair. He said we can give them all to Him. Along with our every concern or care. He has a pure and unconditional love that with all the world He wants to share... feeling  that empty void,with a friend who truely loves and cares. He sent me a special angel to show me His love, compassion and promises were bigger than any problem or any situation that may seem unfair.  So always remember  when your faced with things we don't understand or are having feelings ofog disappointments ,heartaches, or dispair.... Jesus is a friend who truely loves and cares and is always there.

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