Luigi's voracious encounter

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Luigi was not having a great day. 

At all.

Having been invited to "The last resort", a fancy-looking hotel, he had expected a nice vacation with Mario and the princess.

Unfortunately for him however, not soon after he found himself on yet another ghost busting adventure.

Thankfully, he encountered his good friend, professor E. Gad while exploring the second floor of the hotel.

After a brief explanation of why he was here and where Mario and the princess might be, he was asked to go on a little errand up to the professor's room on the fifth floor.

To collect a briefcase. 

Not having much of a say in the matter, he found himself slowly making his way down the hallway and towards his destination.

On the bright side, he hadn't encountered too many ghosts on his way. Allowing him a brief respite from the spooks infesting the creepy hotel he was in.

Eventually, he reached the room.

Reaching for the doorknob, he slowly pushed open the door and poked his head inside.

It was as he had feared.

Doing a very poor job of cleaning the dusty old room, was a ghost dressed in a French maid outfit. With purple skin and two big yellow eyes glowing brightly in the darkness.

She hummed along to some unfamiliar tune as she dusted the bed and painting hanging above. Not noticing Luigi as he scanned the room for the briefcase.

There it was!

In the centre of the room. With a helpful picture of the professor on the front. Giving him no shadow of a doubt that it was his.

As the ghost hadn't seen him yet, he planned to sneak in quietly and grab his prize before leaving.

Unfortunately for him however, the door mustn't have been oiled in sometime. As when he attempted to push it open further, a loud squeaking noise filled the room.

Causing the ghost to turn around immediately.

"Oh, no." 

Figuring that there was no way he'd be able to leave without a fight, he stepped into the room and pointed his trusty Poltergust G-00 towards his target.

"A guest!" She paused upon noticing the green cap on Luigi's head. "Oh, the mistress had warned me about you. Said that whoever could catch you would receive a big reward."

She floated towards Luigi, prepared to strike at any moment.

Now, he had done this many times in the past. Blind the ghost with the light and suck the ghost with the Poltergust. 

Never in his time as a makeshift ghostbuster however, had his Poltergust broken down upon attempting to blind his target.

It wasn't just the light either. The entire poltergust was broken. Thick black smoke rolling off the body of the machine.

Noticing Luigi's predicament, she let out a giggle. " Having trouble? They warned me that you would be tough, but it appears that I got lucky."

With the way out barred by a mysterious fence, he could do nothing but frantically run around the cluttered hotel room.

Getting swiped at left and right by the spectral maid as he did so.

It wasn't long until his health was near zero. Tired and severely injured, he slumped to the ground.

The Poltergust long since discarded as a futile attempt to lighten his load, he could do nothing as the maid floated towards him.

"Are you all tuckered out? What a shame. I haven't had that much fun since long before I died. It's always such a chore spending your afterlife cleaning room after room."

Luigi let out a low groan in response.

"Oh well. All good things must come to an end. Let's get you delivered to the mistress. She's bound to give me a raise!"

Before she could do that however, a loud rumbling noise filled the room. Coming from the maid's stomach.

"You must excuse me. It has been quite some time since I took a lunch break. You might not think it, but we ghosts have to eat too."

Tucking her arms under Luigi's and lifting him up into the air, she stopped for a moment as her stomach growled a second time.

She stared at the now unconscious Luigi. Wondering what a human would taste like, she licked her lips.

Sure. If she brought him to her mistress, she be rewarded handsomely. On the other hand however, she was famished. It wasn't like humans entered the hotel often. They were a rarity. 

Or, a delicacy.

"Maybe just one little taste."

Bringing her face in close to Luigi's, she stuck out her purple tongue and licked his nose. 

The taste wasn't bad. In fact, she thought it was divine.

Not being unable to ignore the hunger any longer, she stretched her mouth unnaturally wide. A benefit of being a supernatural entity.

Lifting him high into the air, she flipped him downwards and dropped him in head first. 

Moaning at the unusual and very delectable flavour that hit her tongue, she moved it across his face. With him unconscious, she took her time to enjoy the exquisite flavour of his skin.

Finally, content and ready to move on with her meal, she swallowed, bringing Luigi deeper into her throat. 

When her tongue reached his clothes however, her blissful mood quickly turned sour. Unable to undress him due to the way his clothes worked, she swallowed even quicker. Moving down his body with haste.

Now at his brown shoes, she pulled them off and tossed them into a corner. Enjoying the burst of flavour that his feet provided, she took a few minutes to appreciate them to their fullest. Before swallowing one last time.

Sending Luigi into her stomach.

Floating into the bathroom and over to the mirror, she could see Luigi curled up and unconscious in her transparent stomach. Her digestive juices already getting to work on converting him into extra ectoplasm on her hips and chest.

Rubbing her bloated stomach happily, she headed back into the main room. Picking her feather duster off the ground, she began to get back to her duties as the hotel's maid.

Humming the same tune from earlier as she did so.


All right. 

It's been a hot minute, but I just couldn't leave this idea alone. 

I was watching Vinesauce play Luigi's mansion 3 and in it, there's this maid ghost that swallows a briefcase whole.

My brain got to working and I was like, hey, I wonder what it'd be like if she just swallowed Luigi instead.

I kind of just went into this with no planning on my part. I hope it's a decent story for something I just threw together in half an hour.

I'd appreciate if you left some constructive criticism at the bottom. It helps me improve and I like to hear from those who read these things.

No pressure though.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2019 ⏰

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