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I was blinded by the darkness, nothing but the bone-chilling moaning and groaning of the dead swallowing my ears. Beads of sweat formed on the back of my neck, as well as in streams down my forehead. The hot air suffocated me; much like a boa constrictor suffocates its prey.

I reached for the large Bowie knife that usually rested in its nylon belt sheath around my waist, but it seized to exist. I could see the large weapon in the very edge of my peripheral vision, laying on the cold concrete, several feet away from me, out of my reach. Right behind the two walking corpses that wailed in my ears, cornering me against the wall.

I made a quick action, pushing past the corpses, springing for the knife. After retrieving it, I lunged back toward the walkers. I kicked one in the abdomen with my black combat boot, while penetrating my knife into the other one's skull. Dark, rotting blood spurted onto my face and clothing as the corpse dropped to the ground.

I immediately shot my gaze toward the other corpse, which had regained its posture and had begun scrambling toward me. In one swift movement, I plunged my knife into the corpse's temple. I exhaled a large breath I had been holding, watching as the warm blood streamed down my knife, reaching my fingers.

I released the blade from the fallen corpse's head. After catching my breath, I sprinted past the two blood-drenched bodies, and through an ajar wood-stained door. The sign suspended above the entrance read, "STORAGE ROOM: STAFF ONLY", in bold black lettering. Obviously restrictions didn't matter much anymore, considering the town was vacant. From the living, at least.

I pushed through the heavy double doors that I had witnessed my sister, whom had a small herd of walkers on her tail, go through just seconds earlier.I followed the overbearing groans that echoed toward the back of the large room. I heard my younger sister holler distantly.

In the room there were several aisles, the ceiling reaching at least ten feet high, and the shelves did as well. The room smelled like dust and rotting flesh.

After weaving my way through several sooty and dark aisles, the volume of the groans escalated drastically. It was as if they were getting closer to me, nearer and nearer. As I turned another aisle's corner, I was unpleasingly greeted by a collision with a familiar brunette.

"Laurie, Run!" she exclaimed

The voice echoed through my ears. Without hesitation, I swerved around, running back to where I had previously come running from. I zig-zagged throughout the aisles, nearing the double doors that marked the exite of the fearfully-dark storage room.

I resisted the urge to turn around, having yet to identify how many walkers were on our trail. I mentally prayed that there wouldn't be any walkers blocking the exit. If so, we would be surrounded, and we'd have to face the painful, torturous death that we had been currently avoiding for an ongoing two months.

My mind was racing a thousand miles a minute. All of the possibilities of how I could die right there clouded my thoughts. I continued to sprint through the aisles, praying that my sister was at my side. My thoughts were interrupted as a walker stumbled straight into me as I wasturning the final corner.

It nearly pushed me to the cold concrete ground. I fumbled for my knife, but I wasn't fast enough. Right when I was about to accept my fate, an object pierced through the corpse's skull. I shot my head to the side as my sister pulled it out, the same rotting and unusually dark blood spurted onto both of us. Before I could speak, she nearly ripped my arm out of its socket, pulling me forward.

Quickly recovering, I wiped the blood off of my face with my right hand. My other hand grasped my sister's bony fingers as we ran.I grimaced, exceedingly disgusted by the foul blood that coated my face and clothing. We hustled through the double doors, gaining distance on the herd.

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