first day

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I shift my weight between my feet nervously, I feel a steady hand on my shoulder and look up at my dad. He smiles at me with his perfect smile, " it's gonna be okay I know you haven't  haven't seen your cousin for a long time but im sure you'll get along just fine with him." I chuckle nervously, " I wonder if he's still a hot head." Dad chuckles and playfully punches my arm " be nice to Bakugo his family was nice enough to let you stay with them." I nod and roll my eyes at him playfully. "He's not even related to me by blood Mom was best friends with his  Mom." He chuckles "yeah I know, the two of them together," he pauses with a sad smile , " they were like firecrackers." I give him a sad smile. It had been two years since Mom had died it still hurt to think of her sometimes but when I did they were always happy memories of her smiling and laughing. She was a pro-hero here in America, she was my idol I aspired to be a hero like her one day. Although I didn't inherit her quirk hers was sort of combined with my dads and passed onto me to create a better version of both. My quirk is Ospery, I have the wings and characteristics of an ospery. My moms quirk is Banshee scream she could control the pitch and power of her scream. My dad has the same quirk as me, but I can do a bit more than he can. The flight attendant at the desk pushes a button and makes an announcement over the intercom," Samantha Fujioka, please make your way to the front with your luggage your portal is ready." I chuckle nervously, " well Dad I guess this is it." He looks at me with a sad smile," You make it sound like I'm never gonna see you again Drumstick," I frown at the silly nickname, " yeah I know I'll see you again but not till next summer, but I'll make sure to skype you on the weekends." He grins,"sounds like a deal kiddo." We gather my things and head towards the counter. The flight attendant smiles at me and motions for me to follow her. My dad gives me one last hug and a kiss on the cheek, he hands me my bag, " Give em hell Drumstick", I smile , "I will Dad , love you." I follow the attendant down the long tunnel. We stop at a door," Alright hon, when i open this door there is going to be a man on the other side your gonna give him your ticket and he will make a portal to your destination." I nod " thank you ma'am". She smiles and opens the door. I walk thru and see a very tired looking man in is his 30's sitting at a desk. I hand him my ticket. He sighs loudly mumbling under his breath about he's to old for this shit. He waves his hand and a purple portal appears." alright walk through and you should be at your destination , have a wonderful day." I nod and walk through the portal. In the blink of an eye im in japan the Fairport is very busy people running around. I walk towards the front of the airport to look for Bakugou. I open the door and I immediately see the blond boy holding a sign with my last name on it he sees me and smirks," Oi there you are chicken wings about time you got here." I smirk and roll my eyes. " Hello Bakugou still a jerk I see." He laughs and pulls me into a hug I hug him back and smile. He reaches down for my bag, "Oh it's okay I can carry it" he grabs it anyway and flings it over his shoulder, " Nah its okay I got it." I follow behind him as we walk toward the main street." yah knoww Bakugo we would get to your house a lot faster if we flew there", I say in a sing song voice. " He laughs, "Hell no I don't trust you to walk down the street let alone carry my ass through the sky." I laugh out loud and we continue down the street towards his house.


Alright so that's the first chapter. Where we're at in the show right now in the is bakugou is still in middle school there is still a few days left of school. I want Sam to be familiar with Izuku and k ow who he is. Sam wont be officially enrolled at the middle school but she will go for like a day, mostly because i want her to become friends with Izuku. Well if anyone has any questions or suggestions for my writing let me know. Up above i put a sort of guide into how Sam's wings work like the anatomy and stuff so if anyone uas any questions about her just let me know thank you ❤

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