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3rd Person POV

It was the middle of fall, when the prestigious students of UA High were practicing their "super moves". Sweat dribbled down their brows and backs, although it was nearing the end of November.

Izuku breathed out as the cold crisp air hit him across his back, which, in fact was very refreshing. He sighed as he glanced over at his crush, Todoroki. He sighed once more, but in awe as Todoroki had used his ice quirk to raise him off the ground and do a flip.

"Izuku,-" the green haired boy quickly turned around to face the clone that the super hero, Ectoplasm, had made for every one at to use at their own station. "- remember to focus," he reminded him before he swung an attack move towards Izuku.

"Yes sir,-" he responded before briefly jumping out the way. His attack had barely brushed his hair before getting to him. Midoriya was now in mid air, strategizing on how to attack Ectoplasms clone. He looked around his training area, searching on what he could use to distract the clone in order to get a straight hit on him. As he looked around, his eyes had met with Bakugou, who was looking up at him.. Now that caught him off guard, and that made him forget what he was doing at that exact moment.

Crap, what was I doing again? His eyes had made a quick search around the room, he then looked down, only to see that he was still in mid air, and that the ground had looked closer than it was expected to be. His eyes widened as he acted quickly and crouched as he fell, then ducked and rolled.

When he had gotten back up, he looked back at Kacchan, who was no longer paying him any more of his attention. Izuku had pouted a bit but then smiled a bit as his eyes had also met with Todorki's. He then waved at him and then the heterochromia eyed boy waved back, before he continued practicing.

Midoriya turned around and his smile had vanished, he was back to serious mode. He made a jump and faked a punch, then swung a kick towards the stomach of the clone. While he was practicing, Todoroki and Bakugou had snuck glances at the green haired boy. Thinking the same thing. Thank god he didn't fall.

As both boys stared at Izuku, secretly, the red head, Kirishima, minded his business and kept practicing. He didn't want his mind to run off to who-knows-where. Mr. Aizawa's timer had finally gone off and every one had stopped training and calmly rushed to the lockers.

After practice, Kirishima had rushed to the locker rooms first, wanting to wait for his best bro, Bakugou. Who he also seemed to have feelings for.

Another reason why he had finished getting dressed so early was so he wouldn't see Bakugou's sweaty and muscular body.

He wanted to avoid a situation where he had finished changing first and he was forced to sit and stare at his bestfriends body.

Just thinking about it made him feel all hot and flustered. Thank God I've thought of this before that actually happened. I probably wouldnt be able to handle him. He breathed out and looked around the hallway.

He noticed that there were less people in the hallway than he had expected. Maybe hes still in there. He thought as he peeked his head in. Only to find out that the locker room was halfway empty, and there wasn't a single blond in sight. Maybe he's just in the shower, he does take showers after training, Right? Kirishima had thought before sitting on the bench that was right across the door from the boys locker room.

He'll be out in a bit, just a bit longer. he breathed out one last time before deciding on what he was going to do, I'm gonna take a short nap before he gets out. Kirishima then took off his backpack, nestled it in his lap and rested his head on it, but little did he know, he was going to be there for a while.

As for Bakugou, he was actually taking a shower, like Kirishima had predicted. In fact, he was almost done, he just had to get some soap suds off from his body. Once he was done, he wrapped a towel around his waist and made his way towards his locker.

God damnit, i still need to give this to the damn nerd. Bakugou had sucked in his teeth and made his way towards Deku's locker. As he was making his way towards the green haired boy's locker, he stopped as he heard the chatter of that half-and-half bastard, Todoroki, who was also in his towel, making the green nerd laugh and blush. A lot.

Bakugou rolled his eyes and spoke up. But before he could, Todoroki had made eye contact with the blonde as he placed a hand on Deku's bare and freckled shoulder. Now that had set him off. Bakugou had glared at Todoroki as he banged his hand on a locker nearest to him. Midoriya and Todoroki's attention had swiveled towards Bakugou as anger had radiated off of him.

"Oh Kacchan,-" Izuku had turned around, causing Todoroki's hand to fall off from his shoulder."- I-is there something you need?" Midoriya put on a smile to hide the fear that was slowly coming in on his face.

"Shut up and take this-" Bakugou had said before throwing Deku a knee brace, which he had barely managed to catch with one hand. "-wear this, you're coming with me on my jog tomorrow in the morning. We gotta talk."

"Wh-what?" Midoriya had stuttered with eyes as wide the moon, while Todoroki was glaring at Bakugou. Bakugou had glared back at him while grinning. "Did I fucking stutter?" Bakugou eyes had turned towards Midoriya with a look that spelled murder while little pops and explosions came from his hands. "N-no." Midoriya didn't mean to stutter at that time, but he couldn't help it. He was just so overwhelmed by the fact that two handsome boys, who were wearing nothing but towels around their waist, was standing both, in front, and behind him.

"You better be there, 5:00 sharp, you hear me?" Bakugou had spat after turning around. "Ye-yea, see you there!" Midoriya had managed to get out before the blonde had turned back around to go to his locker.

So I'm the author of this little book. This book is for fun so yea. I hope y'all enjoy it. Ill try to upload a new chapter every Sunday. Letting you know, theres smut in this story so if your sensitive to that. Well, sorry. Anyways. Laters broskis.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2019 ⏰

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