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/Authors Note: I'm back! Welcome to the sequel in the Deep Blue trilogy, Dark Red! Before you read any further, if you haven't read the first book PLEASE DO SO NOW or this book will be completely ruined. Where we left off, for those who have read but forgotten, Summer set off an explosion, destroying the Capitol City and killing Winter. She doesn't know that last part, though. This part is not in Summer's POV. Anyway, enjoy, R&R!/


In the town of Spox, the city was eerily quiet, although some people were still walking in the street. The city was the outermost in all of Dimersium, and the least populated. That was one of the many reasons that lots of people like it.

Two guards were standing at the entrance to the city. There were two. One was facing the next city in, Dyor, and the other was facing the woods. The entrance to Dyor was being guarded also, but the final entrance into the woods outside the nation were under high alert.

For five months, a wanted fugitive had been on the run, formerly a government official. She is wanted for the destruction of Capitol City, and the murder of her opposite, Winter Peterson.

The last that was seen of her was her running into the woods, hence the reason for the high alert. Nobody knows how she could have possibly survived, but residents of Spox had reportedly seen her wandering in between the trees when they were on walks.

The guards stood stationery at the back entrance, and, in their minds,didn't take any notice of the figure slowly walking from the trees.

Her auburn hair was a mess, all matted and fuzzy, but it had grown to her belly button. Her eyes had dark circles under them, showing countless nights of no sleep. Her red stilettos and coat were covered in dirt from dragging herself through the forest floor.

She had an expressionless face. What expression was needed? Evil? Exasperation? Happiness? Sorrow? All that mattered was the task at hand.

The guards came out of their thoughts, when a twig snapped beneath her feet, a few feet away from the gate. Their eyes widened at the realisation of who was in their presence, before holding their weapons out threateningly.

"Stay back! We're turning you in, to the government." The first guard yelled. Though, if you were in the city, all that would be heard was an in audible murmur.

She simply pushed past them, sending a volt through their chests, causing them to collapse to the ground. Into the city went the girl, fully aware of the huge task ahead of her.

If she was to survive at least a night in the city, then she would have to disguise herself. Luckily, during her months in hiding, she had gathered supplies for just this situation.

Though she could not turn her red coat grey, she did have a grey dress that she had stolen from a trash heap. It was long sleeved style to the waist, then into a flared skirt at the bottom of the dress. At the back, she had sown on a hood. Simple, but that was all she needed right now. Now, it looks like a grey coat.

She slips on the dress, and wraps her hair into a big, but neat bun on the top of her head, with a strand out in front of each ear. Pulling the hood over head, and cleaning her face a bit, she stepped out of the shadows and back onto the streets.

She made sure to stay well away from anyone's view, however.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2015 ⏰

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