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AN: Hello~ I'm looking for someone who could correct my gramatical mistakes because as you may know English isn't my native language. Of course, this wonderful person will pe properly credited and I will be very greateful <3 So if you are interested - PM me.

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"If I could turn the page
In time then I'd rearrange
Just a day or two

But I couldn't find a way
So I'll settle for one day
To believe in you"

[ Fleetwood Mac - Little Lies ]

Alan was preoccupied with mixing new material for incoming single. He came to the studio after breakfast, and then he worked non-stop without any break except for lunch. During the day, Gareth and Daniel came by for a moment, but even together they couldn't achieve the results they wanted. Alan was glad at heart they eventually left him alone, but of course he appreciated their help. But not today. After so many hours of drudging over the console, he was exhausted but also happy. Then he heard knocking to the doors. Alan turned towards it.

"How are ya, eager beaver?" Dave greeted him with a wink.

Alan snorted and rolled his eyes but smiled at him.

"I missed you here"
"I knew it and that's why I came. I tried to call you but you didn't pick up the phone. There were to options: you're dead or you're working in the studio"

"Well... Maybe the day after tomorrow everything will be ready" Alan scratched his head.

Dave's eyes flashed with curiosity.

"Can I listen?" he asked shyly. Alan hesitated.

"Ya know that I don't like to show unfinished work to anyone... Everytime I do it, a dark force doesn't let me finish it"

Dave nodded with understanding but saddened at the same time.

"When I finish it, you'll be the first to listen, okay?" Alan offered gently.

"Of course!" Smile brightened Dave's face again. "Oh, I almost forgot!"
He reached into the bag he had brought with him. Alan hadn't noticed it before.

"I thought if you were sitting here since morning, you probably are hungry. I was in Chinese bar today, so I took something for you" he handed him a box that was still warm. When the smell of food spread through the studio, Alan's belly reminded about itself with a loud grunt.

"I see I got it right," Dave grinned. Alan blushed slightly.

"Thanks, Dave. I'm really pleased that you thought about me."

The boy waved a hand.

"That's what friends are for."

When Alan started to eat, Dave was hanging around the studio, muttering to himself. Alan sensed something was up.

"What's biting you?" He asked, scooping the stuffing that had spilled out with his fork.

"Me? Oh nothing."

"I can see that you can't sit on your butt."

"Hmm ... Well, that's one such thing."

Dave fell silent.

"Tell me what you mean, I don't read your mind," Alan urged him.

"W-would you fancy going out with me?"

"Dave, you know perfectly well that I feel bad about working with a hangover."

"I don't mean club and drinking. If I wanted to, I'd take Martin. Somewhere else, in the bosom of nature. Spontaneously. You don't have to drink, although I have adequate supplies, as if you changed your mind."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2019 ⏰

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