The Boy Who Flew

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  • Dedicated to Livi Zink

There once was a boy who wanted to fly. But he couldn't fly no matter how hard he tried. He jumped of a roof an landed with a *crunch*. But this didn't stop him, it made him stronger.

The next day he flew on a plane. His mother was angry that the boy flew on a plane, but the boy was confused, for it was an imaginary plane. She said it was her potion that made her confused. So one day the boy wanted to try the confusing potion too. He walked to the fridge where all his mother's potions were kept. Along the shelves were different colored potions.

He grabbed a red one then a green then a blue, unsure of what each potion will do. The boy drank the blue one, not one but a few. After the potions, he fell asleep in front of the fridge until his mother came home and saw what he did.

Knowing that his mother had also drank some potions, he backed against the corner knowing what came next. The boy crawled backwards as far as he could go he stood up and closed his eyes waiting for the pain, he knew it would come and the pain was as bad as it came.

Seconds to minutes, minutes to hours, it was the boy's nightly pain shower. Tonight was much different, much worse than ever before, his mother drank many potions, and these potions seemed to make her angry.

All of a sudden the boy noticed something weird. All the pain stopped, the bruises disappeared. Then he realized he was flying once and for all, with angels beside him, guiding him to his new home. There love was forever, he was loved by all. He could fly when he pleased with no chance that he would ever fall.

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