Chapter 1

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             Steve was looking, looking for something that he could use for an answer. Something to add to his collection of mysteries. Something to help him defeat the Mad Eyed Mennen's . So Steve, walks into the room, the room that was abandoned since 1911. The hotel manager gave him a key to get into the room, so he didn't damage anything.

Entering into the room, he found only the pitch black darkness surrounding the room. The room was cold, cold like the night sky in the winter.

Searching the room for any evidence of the Red Eyed Mennen's tacks. Searching with only his hands he finds a key hidden in desk's dower. Finding this he noticed that something smelled really bad and disgusting. Trying to tell were the smell came from Steve saw a black cloaked figure in the distance. The cloak was a deep blackish, red that stood out in the pitch black darkness.

Still searching the room he couldn't find anything else. So he took out his black light. The black light zoomed across the room trying to find something. Later, he found a book titled "How to fix a broken fountain". Steve, being confused he kept the book, trying to see what it meant.

Steve walked out to the room, trying not to get seen. So he took the stairs. Going down the stairs he decided to change into clothes, so that nobody will notice him.      

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