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"Nothing seems to go my way. I loved her with all my heart. But why, why did she play with my feelings... Why did she chose to be with me for few moments if she was to leave soon. Maybe it hurts a little too much that I drank and broke my arm. Is something wrong with me? Was my love wasn't enough?"

"Cheer up Ansel! Everything is fair paly in love. You weren't wrong. Calm down first. You've already hurt your arm. People played with your feelings you are no way responsible for what they did. Your love was enough but they didn't know how to save it until the very end." , said the psychiatrist.

Early that month Ansel fell of from the 3rd floor of this ship. All glory to the man up there that he didn't end up hurting his head but it ended smoothly with his arm.

As always Ansel was driven away by love. Love has no restrictions. When his best friend confessed him inspite of knowing his past love stories he genuinely believed deep inside that she was the one. He had got someone who would love him inspite of all his flaws.

Little did Ansel know that this also would end up in vain. Not every guy eho had dated so many girls are bad. Even that is love. When you fall in love, in true love and when it has ended due to some circumstances you would start to search for the love that you received or you would never fall in love again.



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2019 ⏰

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