Truth or Dare-Part One

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Announcer: Hello! Welcome to...Truth or Dare with the Keeper of the Lost Cities Crew! Note*This show is prerecorded, so any participants in the activities will not know they are involved.

*Many voices piled up as the characters clamored for attention*

Keefe shouted over everyone "You know you all love me!" Sophie rolled her eyes, and replied"Keefe, not everything is about you!" Keefe's mouth opens wide. "Uh, Foster that's where you are wrong. Book eight is literally all about my Legacy!" he argued back. Sophie sighed, knowing Keefe won that conversation. Fitz watched the two delegate with jealousy in his heart. He interrupted, "Uh-guys? People are waiting for us. We need to continue with the show!" All the characters murmured their agreement. "Fine, but be warned: Keefester has the best dares in the entire world," Keefe smirked as he pointed at the cameras.

Announcer: With that, let us start this episode off by saying congratulations on completing another book! You guys have really come far since the beginning. Now let's have everyone sit back down in their chairs and introduce themselves. 

"I sat down first so I go first!" Biana said happily. "Hello KOTLC Fandom, I'm Biana, Sophie's friend and Fitz's sister.""I'm Fitz! I have perfect teal eyes, but a not so perfect brother Alvar, who is a real pain in the-" Fitz was cut off by Dex. "Dex Dizznee here, I may be useless in some cases but I am Sophie's best friend so HA!" Jensi butted in "No way! I was the first one to even talk to Sophie!" A squabble started up again. Suddenly- a whistle interrupted the argument and everyone calmed down again.

Announcer: Calm down people! Wow, this whistle will come in handy. We don't have time for everyone to introduce themselves now, so let's go through a quick list of the people here. 

Sophie Foster, Keefe Sencen, Fitz Vacker, Biana Vacker, Dex Dizznee, Tam Song, Linh Song, Marella Redek, Stina Heks, Wylie Endal, and Jensi Babblos

Announcer: Now, let's take this over to Havenfield where we will continue this episode. See you in a minute!

*Camera's stop rolling, everyone light leaps over to Havenfield to the pasture, where a huge picnic blanket with equipment set up all around is ready. The character's make themselves comfortable and the show starts again*

Announcer: Hi! We are back, and going first will be Sophie Foster! Sophie, Truth or Dare?

"Dare!" Sophie replied. Keefe smirked. " I dare you to go tell Grady that you and Fitz are getting married. Then after he freaks out tell him, you are in love with me!" Sophie's mouth opened wide and Fitz's cheeks flushed. "Nu-uh! Grady would kill me! And you and Fitz!" she argued. Keefe smiled and shook his head. "Nope! You are compelled by the forces of the fandom too!" Sophie sighed and walked inside of the house. Grady was sitting on the couch signing papers. He looked up at Sophie and smiled. "Hey sweetie, what can I do for you?" Sophie smiled and quickly said "I'm marrying Fitz net week! Surprise!" Grady laughed, then he stopped and stared at Sophie. His face quickly got red. "WHAT?! NO! YOU CAN'T! I FORBID IT! YOU CAN'T GET MARRIED TILL YOU ARE 100 AT LEAST!" Grady exploded with rage his eye twitching. Sophie chuckled. "Dad, I'm joking!" Grady's face muscles relaxed. "Oh," was all he had to say. Sophie then replied "I'm in love with Keefe, that's what I needed to say." Grady's eye twitched. He quietly said "You can marry Fitz. Not That Boy." Sophie broke character and doubled over with laughter. "You-You believed me actually!" She sputtered. Grady realized she was pranking him and started laughing too. "Sophie, don't do that to me! Gosh that scared me! Well, go now. Go play with your friends," he said smiling. Sophie said good bye and walked outside to see her friends dying of laughter on the ground. They were watching a screen that showed Sophie completing the dare. Sophie crossed her arms and walked over. "It's not that funny!" she said defensively. Stina replied "Oh yes it is!" as she erupted in another fit of giggles. Sophie huffed and then came up with an idea. "Well, it's my turn to choose so, Stina! Truth or Dare?" Sophie smuggled said. Stina stopped laughing. "Oh, uh-um-ugh. Fine, I choose truth," Sophie's ideas were crushed instantly. "Poo. Okay, here is your question. Were you always evil?" Sophie asked. Stina glared at Sophie. "Hey! That's not true! I'm not evil! So, the answer is no. If you want evil, go talk to Lady Gisela!" Stina fired back. Keefe stopped laughing. He just sat there for a second and then smiled. "Okay, so my mom doesn't really get the Mom of The Year Award. She still doesn't act as coincided as yours though!" *Everyone ooo's* Stina crossed her arms over her chest. "Fine. Whatever, act like a snob Keefe. It's my turn to choose, and I choose Dex!" Dex's face paled for a moment, but returned to a normal skin shade. "Okay, I choose Dare." he said. Stina rubbed her hands together. "Great! Now, I dare you to use you Technopath skills and pranking skills to make a smelly explosion grenade thing by next episode, where we will then go to Eternila and Keefe will throw it into Councillor Alina's castle. Oh, and he will stand there so he will get caught," Stina added on. Dex grinned and replied "Gladly. Keefe, you are gonna hate this!" Keefe protested in disbelief "Wait- I'm not dared so I don't  have to do it!"

Announcer: Actually, we all agreed that anyone can be included in a dare and they have to do it. You most likely don't remember because you were staring at Sophie the entire time we discussed the rules of this game.

Keefe's face turned a bright crimson and his mouth hung open. "Fine, but you are all going to regret this," he said pointing at Dex and Stina. Stina sniggered. "Sucker!" she said. Keefe turned away and said "I think it's my turn since Dex has to do his dare later." Dex shrugged. "Fine by me." Keefe said "Truth or Dare Biana?" Biana laughed. "Truth is for chicken's so Dare!" Keefe smiled. "I have taught you well young Jedi. Now, I dare you to-" 

Announcer: That's it for today folks! We will resume soon, and we hope to see you then!

A/N: Okay,I feel mean for leaving this like that. Normally, when making these chapter I will make them longer, but they will take me longer to write, so pick and choose! How'd you enjoy this (If you even made it this far)? Comment, and vote for this story! Hope to see you soon!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2020 ⏰

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