This is Halloween

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The fall season was upon them. Pumpkin spice and allergies filled the air. Enjolras, Grantaire, and their daughter Delphi were celebrating the festive season with a movie marathon of fall classics, concluding with an age old classic, the Nightmare Before Christmas. As 'This is Halloween' started, Delphi let out a small squeak and hid her face in Grantaire's shirt. The artist smiled and wrapped and arm around her.
"Scared, sweetheart?" He asked tenderly. She nodded, refusing to open her eyes.
"Turn it off!" She pleaded in a high voice.
Grantaire smiled softly before trying to coax her to look up.
"They're just made of clay sweetie. See? Someone makes every part of them from clay then moves the figures shot by shot. Think of it as art class. I even made some of these before."
Delphi peaked back up at the screen and released her death grip on Grantaire's shirt a bit. "So they're not real?" She asked.
"No. I can make a model of one tomorrow and show you," Grantaire explained gently. Delphi watched through the rest until the final Oogie Boogie scene and screwed her eyes shut.
"They're just clay, right?" She asked softly and forced herself to look up. Grantaire smiled proudly and nodded.
"Exactly right."
"They're kinda cool actually."
"I guess you're glad we didn't turn it off, huh?" He teased. Delphi smiled and looked over Grantaire's shoulder giggling.
"Daddy's not!"
Grantaire looked over at his other side where Enjolras was in a very similar position to what Delphi was in. He hid further into Grantaire's sweatshirt and squeaked when Grantaire pulled him closer.
"Don't worry love, I've got you," He said, half teasing. Enjolras peaked his head up to glare at Grantaire but retreated again when Ophir Boogie broke into bugs on screen.
"I hate you," he grumbled.
"Don't worry daddy, they're just clay," Delphi reassured as the movie ended and Grantaire laughed.
"See Ange? Even a six year old gets it."
"It has nightmare in the name!" Enjolras protested. "How does clay make it better? It's just more Frankenstein-y!"
Grantaire chuckled and brought Delphi to bed. When she was all tucked in, Grantaire kissed the top of her head.
"Alright, now you get some sleep and I'll go get Daddy out of hiding." Delphi giggled and Grantaire flicked her night light on before leaving.
As predicted, Enjolras was in the same cocoon he was when Grantaire left and the artist laughed as he scooped up the pile of blankets and deposited them on their bed. He looked for the familiar blonde curls and kissed the tip of Enjolras' nose.
"Are you okay, ange?" He asked with a smirk. The revolutionary's scowling face emerged from the blanket bundle.
"I hate that movie and you know it."
"Oh c'mon mon coeur," Grantaire pleaded dramatically, flopping on the bed next to Enjolras. "It's a kids movie and Delphi seemed to like it after I explained it and we're making dolls tomorrow."
"Deal with it tomorrow?"
Enjolras grumbled into Grantaire shoulder, where he was now making himself at home.
"Fine. Goodnight, mon preux chevalier." Grantaire smiled into Enjolras' blonde curls.
"Night, mon ange."


A week later, after a bunch of homemade stop-motion dolls showed up (Grantaire claimed he had nothing to do with it), it was finally halloween. Enjolras came home early so he and Grantaire could take Delphi out trick-or-treating. When he opened the door to their home, he was greeted by a miniature Oogie Boogie from Nightmare Before Christmas. He jumped a bit as it ran at him and hugged him.
"Daddy! Look at the costume Papa made for me!" Delphi squealed. Enjolras was still frozen but nodded weakly.
"Looks great," He stammered weakly. Grantaire came in the room with severely intricate face paint and in a costume so he looked like a real life Jack Skellington.
"Hey ange, what do you think?" He asked, kissing the pale blonde's cheek. Enjolras snapped out of his daze and glared at Grantaire.
"I think I'm going to kill you," he growled quietly. Grantaire laughed as Delphi ran back off to her room.
"C'mon love, I've got one for you too. Please?" He added with a pleading look.
"You're lucky I love the two of you."


An hour later, the family was out trick or treating. As Delphi went up to a house with a group of her friends, her parents watched her from the sidewalk, with Grantaire in his Jack costume and Enjolras in a Sally costume, complete with make-up and red hair. Grantaire threw his arm around Enjolras shoulder and smiled at him cheekily.
"So, I'm glad you came around," he teased. Enjolras rolled his eyes.
"Like I said, you're lucky."
"Aw, Enj. This is halloween, this is halloween."
"I am going to stab you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2020 ⏰

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