Little intro :)

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Well... hello guys :)

I just wanna say that all my credits go to twisted_transistor


I hope u enjoy this story and I kinda stole it


"Dominic, c'mon we are gonna be late!" Luna called her younger brother from her own room.

"Im coming, Im coming!" Dominic called, before giggling and saying "That's what she said".

" Yes she did and not you" Luna answered, laughing at the look Dominic gave her. They made their way outside. "Can we maybe pick up Michael on the way? I kinda promised him we would..."

"Uhm, yeah sure. He is a nice guy, but next time you ask im gonna make you two walk to school." Dominic replied before he starts his car and he turns on the radio. "Sweet child of mine, nice." He said as he pulled out and starts to ride down the street towards Michaels house.

After picking up Michael, they make their way to a place called hell, also more known as school.

"Hey Dom, we've gotta go to the office to ask about our test, I guess we will see u at lunch." Luna said while entering the building.

"Okay, catch you guys later..." Dominic called as his sister and friend walked away the other direction. He sighed before putting in his earbuds and waking his way upstairs. There's one place in the school with a huge window that shows an overview of the cafeteria, and, at this moment it was Dominic's favorite to be at.

He looked over the crowd, over all the familiar faces of people he couldn't quite call his friends. Not that it ever mattered though, he had friends, not many, but enough. They were all close, and that's all Dominic needed. He continued to look over the people, one face in particular catching his eye. As he was looking at this person they happened to look right back at Dominic, and began to head towards the stairs, going to meet him.

"Hey, Dom!" Dominic turned around to find out the voice was from the guy he saw down the stairs.

"Uhm, hey Josh." He tried to make it sound chill, but he miserably failed.

"What are you doing up here all alone? You should come walk with me and my friends. I bet they'd like you..." Josh smiled as he pulled Dominic into a tight hug. The two completely oblivious to the world around them.

"Uhm... I- uh usually come here in the morning, to uh- clear my head."

"Oh, well the offer stills stands. I know id really love it if you would come with us in the mornings..." Josh pulled Dominic closer before letting go completely and walking back down the hallway and towards the stairs without so much as a wave in Dominic's way."

Josh was a nice guy. Sure he had his flaws, but then again so did everyone. It wasn't his fault he consistently forgot to text Dominic back, or say hi to him in the hallways at school. That's just how he is, and Dominic knew that. He excepted it by now. He still thought about the conversation they just had. He cared about Josh, And, yes, maybe he has a little crush on him. Who could blame him, though? He was attractive, a football player, sweet, funny, and everything anyone wants.

If you were gay, that is. A while back, Josh had made out with one of his football friends and 'forgotten' to say 'no homo', and was now one of the gayest motherfuckers to ever exist.

A loud bell rang and Dominic realized he should probably head to class. He grabbed his backpack and he turns his music volume to full before he makes his way down the hallway to art class.

"Good morning, Dominic." Miss Jackson smiled as Dominic rushed to his seat in the back before the other students came in.

"Good morning..." Dominic sighed, laying his head down on his desk. They weren't even halfway through first semester and he was already ready to be done. Being a junior wasn't that bad, it was just loads more work. All he wanted was to be done with school, but no, he still had an entire year and a half left.

"Alright, class. We will be starting a new project on Monday, so this week will be preparing for that with the first sketch. Today you will have the entire period to draw a single emotion. No colors, just pencil. Whatever you create has to symbolise one emotion- be it anger, sadness, joy, passion, etcetera. Everyone clear?" The class nodded, "begin!"

Dominic stared at a blank sheet. There were so many possibilities, but only one seemed to really make him feel something. He touched his pencil to the paper and started drawing a rough sketch. He had under an hour, so there wasn't much time to doodle.

"Alright, the bell is going to ring in about 3 minutes so go ahead and put the finishing touches on your pieces, if you're already done you can turn them in at my desk." Miss Jackson smiled before sitting back down at her desk.

Dominic finished up the detailing on some of the cracks before deciding He was satisfied with it. He waited for the bell so he wouldn't have to be the only one standing in the class, just something he does. He waited for the others to pass by before heading to miss Jackson and handing it to her.

"Dominic... This is really good... You finished this in an hour?" She questioned.

"Y-yes..." Dominic stuttered.

"This is amazing. Best I've seen from a student with this assignment in a while. Good job." She smiled as he turned and exited the room with a smile on his face.


Dominic made his way to lunch to meet up with Luna and their other friends. In all honesty, they were all Luna's friends and Dominic had just sort of joined the group when he had no one else to sit with. They were all sophomores except for Dominic and Brendon, and it was actually kind of nice.

"Hey." Dominic smiled when Brendon and Patrick came up to meet him.

"What's up, dude? How is life?" Brendon smiled while they walked up to the lunch line.

"Cant complain... Im gonna go ahead and go out to the table, okay?" Dominic replied.

"okay, we will be out in a minute." The two made their way towards the cafeteria lines and disappeared into the crowd.

Dominic sat alone outside waiting for the other when suddenly a person pops up next to him.

"Hey Dom, you are alone again." Josh smirked as he sat down.

"My friends will be out in a minute..." He answered.

"Those stupid sophomores? Dude just ditch them. Just come hang out with me and the guys." Josh said point directly behind them.

"No, Josh. They are my friends. You can sit with us if you want to, though. Dominic suggested, a small sparkle in his eyes.

"Nah, I don't associate with nobodies. Later" And with that he was gone.

Almost as soon as he has left, the 'group' came out. The group being Luna, Michael, Brendon, Patrick, Ray and Tyler.

"Dude. Why were you talking to Josh? He's an ass." Michael said confused.

"It's whatever. We're kind of friends I guess." Dominic bent his head so no one would see his red tinted cheeks.

"Seriously, Dominic, guys like him are really shitty and if you're friends with them they will screw you over. Just saying." Ray gave Dominic a serious look before turning back to his food and beginning to dig in.

What did they know? Josh was a nice guy and he wouldn't hurt a fly. Right?



I hope you guys enjoyed it... and yeah idk :)

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~ sad.boy.ty~

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2019 ⏰

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