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Today, MC was helping Masamune cook. She helped wash and cut the vegetables but something was off.

She was off.

Masamune felt it. He just wasn't quite sure how to bring it up for a while. He tried different things at first to take her mind off of whatever was bothering her.

"Try cutting them like this..." he said, moving behind her as he leaned in, wrapping his arms around her as he held her hand on the knife.

"Move your fingers like this..." he curled her fingers inwards, creating a guide with her knuckles now so it wouldn't be as easy to get cut. He noticed her face turn a light shade of red as he moved in closer, letting a few hot breaths fall onto her neck as he grinned to himself.

"Now it's easier, isn't it..." he asked, watching her as she smiled a shy smile and nodded her head. "Yeah, thanks..." MC continued cutting for a moment and when she was finished she gathered them all up and carried them to Masamune to begin cooking.

MC finished her other chores around the castle, so she made her way back to Masamune. The smell of food was starting to waft in the air and it made her hungry. Still, it would be some time before it was finished.

"There you are lass. I was about to come looking for you..." Masamune smiled as he aced his arm around her, pulling her closer to him. "I was starting to get lonely." He added, frowning at seeing MC put on a forced smile.

"That won't do lass...Tell me what's on your mind." He sat down, pulling her along with him as he held her close.

"It's nothing." She started, looking away from him.

She was a terrible liar and Masamune wouldn't let her win this one.

"That's not true." He said, gently pulling her gaze up to his own. "I can tell when something is bothering you...." he started before grinning.

"That and you're the worst liar I've ever had the chance of meeting." He teased slightly. MC frowned, pushing away his hand as she moved her gaze away from him once again.

"You wouldn't understand." She huffed before Masamune turned and shrugged his shoulders. Maybe she just needed a little convincing.

"Alright..." he started, moving back to the fire for a moment. "I suppose I'll have to ask Mitsunari to taste test for me." He stayed silent for a moment, listening to MC as she thought about his offer.

It didn't take long as she walked up and crossed her arms. She looked up at him, her frown still on her face but Masamune took some of the food out.

He blew it for a moment to cool it off just as he always did and when she opened her mouth he placed it to her lips.

He watched as she chewed, any bad mood melting away as her brows lifted. He waited, patiently.

"I need to taste it again...." she said. This time it was his turn to frown. "You aren't getting it that easy." He said, quickly catching on to what she was doing. Ignoring his own rule, he took another item from the pot and blew it before holding it out for her.

"This might be your best yet." She told him, taking a seat in front of the fire as he stoked it.

"Masamune..." she started, picking up a stick and pushing holes in the dirt as if to destruct herself.

He gave a small hum, adding a few sticks into the fire before covering the pot with a lid.

"Teach me how to fight." She said, her tone somewhat quiet.

He turned to her, eyes wide with surprise.

There was a silence that stood over them for a moment before she frowned, a look of disappointment glossed over her featured.

"So you think it's too dangerous too..." she said.

"No...." Masamune started. "Well, yes...but..." He seemed to think for a moment. It wasn't that he was against it, he was just shocked at her sudden interest.

"It's just not like you." He added, gaining a small sigh from MC.

"It's just...Everyone here is teaching me how to do things. Hideyoshi already gave me a lecture on how dangerous the battlefield is... But..." she stopped for a moment, another shade of light red dusting her cheeks.

"I want to be more like you." She finally admitted.

"Like me?" He asked, moving to sit down with her.

"Well, you're brave...and I feel low every time Nobunaga takes me off to some stupid fight, I'm useless."

Masamune nodded. "Well, if you want to learn how to fight..." he thought for a moment. "It will be a few more hours before it's ready..." he stood up, pulling her up with him. "I know a place where we won't have to worry about a lecture from Hideyoshi..." he offered. "I can't promise you'll have a chance to use it, but if you want to learn I don't see the problem..." he grinned as he pulled MC away from the fire, passing her a bamboo sword as he explained the basics while they walked.

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