Chapter One

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An: please excuse the spelling and grammar errors

I sat on the fence waiting, just waiting at this point I wasn't sure what I was waiting for really. I was being sent to camp. I wasn't looking forward to it.

I didn't do well with people especially new ones. I wouldn't know anyone there. I didn't know anything about it. Other than the pamphlet my mother gave me that said it was for troubled youth. I wasn't sure how I was a troubled youth. I was a good kid, I got good grades, I had a friend or two. 

Well I used to.

I was packed and in my mother's car. I knew that the moment I sat down in the passenger seat that she would start to question me on everything she could think of. My mother worked late and got up early. By the time I was 9 my mother wasn't really a part of my life anymore not that I minded much.

I slid down off the fence and walked up to the car where my mother was packing in her purse and a small group of water bottles and granola bars. I sat down in the car, clicked my seatbelt into place and closed my eyes.

"Newt, honey, did you pack everything? " My mother asked smiling her motherly smile in my direction.

"Yes mum." I said shaking my head at her.

She gave me a sort of sad smile. I knew she was sad about me. I wasn't sure why but somehow I understood. Her and my father had been whispering late at night. They where sending me away not a week after school got out.

I watched trees as we passed them. There where millions of trees. Millions of stories. Millions of things that could happen in the woods.

I felt my anxiety rising like a balloon in my stomach.
This is the farthest I've been from home since I was five. I stared at the trees and stared at the darkness that spread between them. The dark green bristles of them poking into one another. The wood peelibg such a dark brown it seemed almost black.

I closed my eyes softly leaning my head on the window of the car and allowing myself a moment of rest.
I couldn't calm my nerves enough to let me sleep.
But the tired overwhelmed the fear and I passed out cold.

When I woke up it was almost dark. The sun was setting in colors of red and gold. I glanced around at the car. My mother wasn't in there. I opened my door and slid out of the car. I looked down at my feet to avoid the looks of what seemed to be hundreds of kids. Fear rose from my stomach to my throat. I swallowed the fear, grabbed my bag out of the backseat, and went to find my mother.

I found her standing by a booth looking thing made of clean metal, the last thing I expected from a camp. I chose to ignore my fear. I stepped closer to my mother. She gave me a sort sad smile and handed the man in the booth a clipboard.

I didn't understand why she looked like she was never going to see me again. I opened my mouth to comment but closed it again deciding it wasn't worth it.

I picked up my bag slinging it over my shoulder I followed my mother to a large white building. She paused, a man in a white orderly suit smiled cold at us.

This felt all wrong. Why was he dressed like that? Why does everyone seem so hostile? Why is my mother crying?

I took a step back and looked questioningly at everything. My mother smiled at me.

"Newt, your father and I have decided it would be best if you stayed here for a little while." She spoke her voice was strained and she kept crying as she spoke.

I felt my heart beat quicken. I stared wide eyed at the scene before me. I could feel tears swelling in my eyes.

I took another step back but bumped into a man in a white uniform. I felt a slight stab to my neck. Everything went black I felt my body hit something solid.

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