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I dedicate this book to my friends and also to my crush...

Ofcourse you all don't know who they are since I decided to keep their identities private....

This book is supposed to be a book to inspire others to confess to their crush, get to know them more, and also to not focus on your crushes physical appearance.

Love someone who you know and really really know you want to be with for the rest of your lives.

Confessing to your crush can give tons of thoughts of not doing it, but when you do do it, remember this saying.... "the truth will set you free"

And it did set me free, but there is also nothing wrong with hoping. Just don't assume too much and hope too much, it all has to be just right.

And if your crush doesn't like you that way, then its okay to move on. I know it hurts, but its better to let go, it might not be now, it might not be tomorrow, but it will be one day.

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