The Grudge

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I was eating breakfast at the table. I glanced up at the tv to see if anything interesting was on. I saw the news was on.I knew it would be boring as usual. But then one thing caught my attention.
There was a massacre in Tokyo Japan.I like scary stuff and creepy pasta so I was really intrigued.

"A group of teenagers in Tokyo was murdered Last night after staying in a abandoned house in the Northwestern edge of Tokyo" Said the Newscaster,

I stopped eating and focused on the tv even more.

"They mysteriously died by either Having there eyes removed or either having there jaw ripped of there face" The newscaster said with a uncomfortable look on his face.

I turn up the volume.

"But there was only one survivor but they she currently in a insane asylum do to shock. The killer is still unknown and there is no evidence to lead to the killer."

My mom came in and shut the tv off.

"You shouldn't be watching stuff like that" she said with a serious look on her face.

"I know, but what about dad he could be in danger!" I said as a excuse.

My mom and my dad got a divorce so my dad went back to Tokyo.While I still live in Alaska with my mom. I still see him once a month so its fine.

"Your father is fine sweetie." She replied.

"If you say so.." I mumbled

           =====1 Week Later=====
It was finally time to go see my dad in Tokyo. I'm so excited and maybe while im there ill check out that abandoned house on the news.

I aboard the airplane with my mom.When we finally arrive at Tokyo.I see my dad waiting for us.He brought us to his house and I ask if I can go out for a bit, my dad nodded his head and then I go outside to see if I can find the abandoned house.

After 10 minutes of searching I find the house.I go under the police tape and see that the door is locked. I start to walk of the porch but then the door opened.
I walk in and I see a normal house.

I walk upstairs and I hear a cat's meow in a room.My curiosity gets the best of me so I walk in the room.I see a little boy but no cat.The little boy just keeps starring at me but then I realize that he's not starring at me he's starring behind me.

Then I hear a noise like pop rocks but louder and out of pitch.I look behind me and I see a girl with long selkie black hair and with big wide eyes that didn't blink I scream and run outside.

I go to the nearest Telephone and try to call 9-1-1 but When they picked up all I hear the same noise the girl made in the telephone.

I quickly hang up the phone and look up everything that's happening on my phone. then I see that everything that's happening relates to a Japanese Horror Legend that was called "The Grudge".

I run back home to show and tell my parents everything.Once I got home in shock I see my parents dead with my dads jaw ripped off and my mom's eyes pulled out.I burst out crying and then I hear it right behind me, I hear.....
The Grudge.

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