Shinji + Hikaru

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              Shinji slumped against his wall in his dark room, exhaling quietly. He decided he shouldn't have gone to school that day, making up an excuse that he got really sick and had a fever, but the truth is, he was just scared, especially after the hell ritsu put him through two days in a row, but honestly he knew he had this coming after all the stuff he pulled, abusing his power. Shinjin lied back on his floor and gazed at his ceiling for what felt like hours until he heard his mother calling him, making him wince.

"What is it mom?" he called down to her,

"You have a friend here to see you so im sending him up" she hollered back up at him.

A friend? Tch, Who would want to come see him in this mess of a room, he doesn't get why they quite care to come here either, it's not as if he's too important to anyone-

"It's a mess in here, Shinji" Hikaru noted, interrupting Shinji's thoughts,

"Ah, Hikaru," Shinji said restlessly "what brings you here?" he questioned quietly

"You haven't been at school or the meetings so I got worried and I thought I'd stop by to check on you. You sure do look like hell though" he scoffed setting down his bag by the door, "So where have you been Shinji?" he asked, looking a bit vexed. Shinji stared up at him anxiously, his hands trembling-

"I've just been sick that all" he stated, his voice quivering,

"We both know that isn't true, so why don't you stop lying to me and just spit out the truth Shinji" Hikaru groaned, agitated. Shinji lied his eyes on his window, avoiding eye contact with Hikaru,

"Fine," he croaked out "I'm terrified to leave here," he chuckled "You know a bunch of gangs came after me thanks to Ritsu," he stated sadly, "That's why I look like hell, and that's why I haven't left my own damn house that I can't even stand" He huffed out, looking up at Hikaru, who had a remorseful look on his face.

"Why didn't you tell anyone about this?" Hikaru said, situating himself next to Shinji on the dirty floor-

"No one would care," he pointed out looking Hikaru in the eyes, "I'm just some average middle school kid, no one cares what happens to me," he laughed "they just care about themselves y'know, so there's no point in telling anyone, especially my parents either, they're just awful-"

"Then talk to me,' Hikaru called out "you could always talk to me you know, we're friends, even if you have done bad stuff that you need to fix, I'm always gonna be there, I don't wanna see you living like this" he stated once again, leaving Shinji sitting there, staring at him. Hikaru looked back into Shinji's eyes, and pulled him into a hug. Shinji just sat there, astounded, after a minute or so he wrapped his arms around Hikaru,

"It's been so long since I last hugged someone," Shinji muttered, clutching his fist, tears welling up in his eyes "I'd forgotten how it is to be held" he cried, holding onto Hikaru, sobbing into his uniform.

"Hikaru," Shinji breathed out, pulling his head back to look at Hikaru, "I think I love you" he sniffed. Hikaru stared at Shinji, he huffed and looked away, a slight little smile on his face,

"You know, I think I just might love you too" he breathed out looking back at Shinji, who had a genuine look of happiness on his face, Hikaru hummed and pulled Shinji into a tight embrace again,

"I'm so proud of you," he muttered, Shinji hid his face into Hikaru's shoulder, as he shed more tears,

"Stop crying," Hikaru muttered "It's okay"

"I know, I'm sorry," Shinji muttered wiping away his tears, "I don't deserve it but I love that you love me" he muttered, his face was beaming with joy, Hikaru smiled, pulling Shinji onto his lap and holding him close.

Shinji lay his head on Hikaru's chest, sighing softly. Hikaru lied his head on top of Shinji's humming softly. Shinji grabbed Hikaru's hand, intertwining their fingers, making him smile again,

"I love you Hikaru," he said anxiously as he kept his head on Hikaru's chest.

Hikaru squeezed Shinji's hand slightly "I love you too, now you should rest,' He muttered "I'll stay with you" he said.

"Will you be here when I wake up?" Shinji asked, his voice trembling a little.

"Of course," he muttered "I'll walk with you tomorrow, okay? Now get some rest , I'm sure you need it" he said, kissing Shinji's hand

"Right," Shinji swallowed "I love you" he said again

"I love you too,' Hikaru said, resting his head atop of Shinji's, shutting his eyes, hopefully being able to get some sleep. 

-- aaa my first story here !! its not they great and ill try to improve but i hope u guys like it!!

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