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I found a compilation of questions about a character so imma answer them with my BJ hcs.

Here's the comp:

1. Has your character ever done anything illegal? Oh absolutely. Beejee is a prankster who oftentimes goes too far and breaks the law. But what are the police gonna do about? Arrest him? He's dead.

2. Favorite mode of transportation! Beejee doesn't get around much-- aside from occasionally being summoned, where he's just teleported-- but if he could travel around? He wants piggyback rides from his housemates. Doesn't matter who it's from, he just likes being carried around. 

3. Are they a good cook? Beejee also doesn't cook much, again, the whole being dead thing. But the times he has cooked, it's pretty good. Lydia thinks he was a chef when he was alive-- or maybe married to one or something-- but he refuses to tell.

4. Is physical health a major concern for them? With being dead, his own health is of no concern. But when it comes to his living friend, Lydia, he will get overly concerned. He knows how precious life can be and how many times she's nearly died, so he's become very careful as to keep her safe.

5. Would they last a day in the wilderness alone? Elaborate! Physically? Yes. Mentally? Maybe. Again, being dead rules out him getting injured or anything. However, his mental state is a bit too wack to say. He does need some time away from home, he really needs that escape, but he's not too big a fan of being alone. 

6. Are they good with kids? Do they like kids? (This can apply to child characters, too!) Beejee likes to think he's good with kids, but really isn't. He loves kids, he thinks they're precious, not that he'd ever admit it. He always tries to play with them, though, and forgets that babies don't like scary things.

7. Is your character good at hiding their emotions? If it weren't for his mood ring style hair, he actually still wouldn't be. He wears his heart on his sleeve and is very excitable, so whenever he feels a strong surge of emotions, he tends to overreact. Also his hair changes color with his mood. He's a mess.

8. Can your character keep a secret? Nope. You can guarantee he won't tell the world, but the Deetz's and Maitland's will absolutely know every detail of what you told him.

9. Rate their verbal communication skills on a scale of one to ten, one being the worst and ten being the best. Depending on his mood, it ranges from a 3 to a 7. He's good at flirting, but bad at expressing emotions; he's a good motivational speaker, but can't help finding a way to fit puns into everything.

10. Does silence bother your character? If so, what would they do about it? Beejee spent god know how many years around his mother who barely spoke a word to him, so unless it fits a good, peaceful mood, he doesn't like silence. He tends to fill a quiet room with jokes or just random singing, anything to make it loud. The Maitland's don't mind, they also aren't a fan of silence. But the Deetz's? They hate it. They hate being woken up at 3 in the morning because Beejee started singing and dancing and broke something. 

11. How do they feel about spiders? Oh, they're delicious! Well, to him, at least. He loves spiders, those and beetles are a good midnight snack. As much as Beejee loves to eat them, though, he tends to let them live in his room since they catch other bugs for him to eat.

12. Is your character prone to picking fights or non-confrontational? He loves fighting-- well, physical ones. If has can settle something by punching someone with a comically large fist, he'll do it. But he doesn't like arguments. Too many arguments with his mom, and then with the Maitland's, and then with Lydia. He's had his fair share of word battles.

13. Which is worse for your character: intense heat or freezing temperatures? Neither are particularly bad for him, but the people around him? It's awful. If he's too hot, he'll strip down to his skin-- and sometimes past it!-- and walk around the house. Lydia and Delia are traumatized-- Charles is too, but he won't admit it-- and the Maitland's have (thankfully) never seen it. Now freezing temperatures? Since Beejee is already dead and cold from that, he gets cold easily, which will lead to him attaching himself to the closest warm object. Sometimes it's one of the Deetz's, sometimes its an object. Charles has repeatedly found Beejee curled up in the oven next to a baking cake. And then had to deal with the demon hugging onto his back until he shoves him back into the oven.

14. Does your character prefer home remedies or over-the-counter medicine? He doesn't get sick much, but when he was alive, there wasn't exactly a counter for the medicine. Delia also believes crystals will help anything and has brainwashes Beejee into believing it. So he tends to prefer home remedies. But sometimes, when the others are giving him a headache, he pulls out a bottle of aspirin and eats it all. Seriously. Pills, bottle, all of it. 

15. Is your character politically-charged? Politics are anything other than a game to him. They don't affect him because, again again again, dead, but it's fun to him to watch them bicker. And to see his housemates bicker over it. 

16. Is your character artistic in any way? Beejee is the work of art. He loves art, and since Lydia likes photography and Barbara and Delia like painting, he tends to model for them. 

17. Can your character read? Do they like to? Beejee can't read very well-- Lydia is trying to teach him, though-- but he does like reading history books. He jokes about how much he's been involved in-- at least, the Deetz's think he's joking.

18. What would a typical day-dream of theirs be about? Being alive and able to travel the world (and maybe find true love). He won't admit it, but he's always wanted to kiss in front of the Eiffel Tower, a true hopeless romantic.

19. How does your character act when they get sick? He bitches and moans when it does happen. Ghost viruses are rare, but do happen. He becomes a whiny little bitch who begs everyone for help. Problem is, the Maitland's refuse to go near him-- they don't want to get sick themselves-- and the Deetz's don't know how to help him.

20. Is your character flexible? Not really. His normal human form isn't very flexible. But when using his powers, he can do anything.

21. What always pushes your character's buttons, without fail? Being ignored. Aside from the shitty history he has with being ignored, it's also just so annoying to pull a prank on someone and have them walk right past you!

22. Pants, shorts, or skirts? (Or nothing at all.) Preferably, Beejee would go for a balls out look, but since his housemates won't allow that, he does have a soft spot for skirts. He was never allowed to wear them when he was alive-- he was alive in the heavily believes in gender roles times-- and now that he can, he loves it. It's so freeing and comfortable and sexy.

23. How does your character feel about making a scene in public? It's his favorite thing to do! Scaring people, groping Adam, anything he can do that'll make him the center of attention makes him happy.

24. Is your character easily scared? No, but people are easily scared of him. 

25. Do you feel that you as person could be close with this character? Elaborate. Absolutely, we're both absolute bastards who flirt with our friends and prank (scare) people. 

Betelgeuse Headcanons!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora